Gender Prediction?


bloody phreak from hell
Feb 27, 2003
Reaction score
This isn't to be taken seriously... but I was wondering how many of you have met with this list accurately. Perhaps, we can see a percentage and know how likely our next kid will be. The way it works is... you follow the date of conception, not the date you had the baby. If you had the baby in February at the age of 24, obviously you became pregnant at the age of 23 in April or May... depending on how many weeks you had your baby.
.         /- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Maternal  Age - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -\
Month     18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 
January    F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F 
February   M  F  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  F  F  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M
March      F  M  F  F  M  F  M  M  M  F  M  F  F  M  M  M  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  M 
April      M  F  M  F  F  M  M  F  F  M  F  F  F  F  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  M  M  F  M  F  M  F 
May        M  F  M  F  M  M  F  F  F  F  F  M  F  F  F  F  F  F  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  M  F 
June       M  M  M  F  F  F  M  M  M  F  F  M  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  M  F  F  M  F  M  F  M  F 
July       M  M  M  F  F  M  M  F  F  M  M  M  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  M  F  M  M  F  M  F  M 
August     M  M  M  F  M  F  F  M  M  M  M  M  F  F  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F  M  F 
September  M  M  M  F  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  M  F  F  F  F  F  F  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F  M 
October    M  M  F  F  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F  F  F  F  F  F  F  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F 
November   M  F  M  F  F  M  F  M  F  F  F  F  M  F  F  F  M  M  M  F  M  F  M  F  M  M  F  M 
December   M  F  M  F  F  F  F  M  F  M  F  F  M  M  M  M  M  M  M  M  F  F  F  M  F  M  F  M
For those of you who want to see the actual Chinese Chart...


  • ChineseChart.gif
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but looks like cannot be perfect chart of their age accurate birthing boy or girl.
Bullym0m said:
but looks like cannot be perfect chart of their age accurate birthing boy or girl.
Why is that? When were your kids conceived?
I guess its pretty accurate cuz i had a son that was conceived
in December! right on the dot! heh!
1 ERROR.. Sad.. espically My daughter.. Jan 26th.. My daughter is 10 yrs old now.. I'm 35 now.. figures 10 yrs back counts.. ahh there's WRONG!!! *tsk tsk* China's ways.
Bullym0m said:
1 ERROR.. Sad.. espically My daughter.. Jan 26th.. My daughter is 10 yrs old now.. I'm 35 now.. figures 10 yrs back counts.. ahh there's WRONG!!! *tsk tsk* China's ways.
So you're guessing from when she was born? The chart is based on conceiving. That would be when you became pregnant, not when you gave birth to her. :thumb:
Go to check chart... it shows that I have 2 girls but I already have 2 boys.... :dizzy:

I had 1st son in March aged 30
I had 2nd son in May aged 33.
Liebling:-))) said:
Go to check chart... it shows that I have 2 girls but I already have 2 boys.... :dizzy:

I had 1st son in March aged 30
I had 2nd son in May aged 33.
It sounds like you're looking at when your kids were born. Are you checking to when you BECAME pregnant? That's what the chart is for.
Liebling:-))) said:
Go to check chart... it shows that I have 2 girls but I already have 2 boys.... :dizzy:

I had 1st son in March aged 30
I had 2nd son in May aged 33.
If you're referring to when your kids were born, I checked back to when you were possibly conceived and it seems that the chart is 50% correct. Your first kid was supposed to be a boy... CORRECT. Your second kid was supposed to be a girl... INCORRECT. Hmm... not bad.
Any way we can use this chart to decide what you WANT to have? For example, when the best time would be to conceive a girl or a boy?
Wow this chart is 100% correct for mine, that's scary :|
VamPyroX said:
It sounds like you're looking at when your kids were born. Are you checking to when you BECAME pregnant? That's what the chart is for.

Oocchhh I misread your post :Oops:

Yes, you are correct about my children.

First one is correct but second one is not. :mrgreen:
Malfoyish said:
Any way we can use this chart to decide what you WANT to have? For example, when the best time would be to conceive a girl or a boy?
You could use this chart... but for the fun of it. It's not 100% accurate, but it's pretty close. If you've got nothing to do, feel like making more babies, but have plenty of patience... you can use this list! ;)
VamPyroX said:
You could use this chart... but for the fun of it. It's not 100% accurate, but it's pretty close. If you've got nothing to do, feel like making more babies, but have plenty of patience... you can use this list! ;)


::::turning on printer::::
Malfoyish said:

::::turning on printer::::
Oh dear... :roll:

Perhaps, I'll have this in handy for my honeymoon.

"Honey, will you marry me?"
"Yes! When?"
"Want to get pregnant right away?"
"Want a boy or girl?"
"Alrighty then..." *looks at chart* "Let's get married in May!"
Malfoyish said:

::::turning on printer::::

Oh, I'm sure a certain someone is just loving this! lol

I think I'll just hide under a desk somewhere when crap hits the fan! LOL
I suppose to have a boy but I have a daughter.. I looked at the calendar for my 2nd pregnancy, I suppose to get a girl.. wait n see..