
posts from hell

New Member
Nov 30, 2004
Reaction score
I was gone for almost a day and I didn't have much to catch up other than useless content.

I just wasted thirty seven minutes, dammit. :mad:
Hey. In a somewhat useless thread I found this ever so useful information that said lincolns head was to the right while all the others are to the left.
You forgot about Jigglypuff!!

(sings again) JiiigggllyyyPufffff!! (cracks another window)

posts from hell, i just finally figured out what your icon says. it was going too fast for me, pain in the ass!
PFH likes to make fun of our pointless threads because he wants to be the only one creating 'em ((bats eyelashes))
Its worthless yet you cared enough to post in it. So that shows this thread has some merit to it :)

That, or like me, I have looked over the other posts and really have nothing else to do. I tend to check out AD while on calls at work with people that should never have/use/touch a PC.. So while I explain for the 2 thousandth time how to map a PST file.. I browse AD.. :lol:

And yes, post in semi-pointless threads that I feel are just above pointless for me to post in (or where I can insert my two cents)..
Hey. In a somewhat useless thread I found this ever so useful information that said lincolns head was to the right while all the others are to the left.

YAY! I have few more of something interesting (I hope).

"House flies have a lifespan of two weeks."
Most dust particles in your house are made from dead skin."
"You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching television."
I think PFH and Birdie just wanted to chat their head off so they created useless or interesting threads just because.
Nay Birdie. I don't think it was dusty...bit slow and boring topic (nothing I find interesting) yes....Thanks for stirring things up. I tried to be creative with it myself but you're better than me! :shock: :giggle: