This is slightly off topic, but I'd like to take the time to just say this --
I'm a white-boy. Not a wigger at all, yet a lot of the people I know around here, these people are the ones that I see daily, and I openly use the term "nigger" or "Niggah" whichever you prefer, around them. I openly use the term around other blacks around here that I don't hang out with, not once, have I ever pissed any of them off. It's all a matter of the context to which you use the word. If I used the term "nigger" in an insulting/offending manner, I'd more likely than not, get punched in the face. Now, some of you might say that because I live in a small town, that that's just normal, but I need to try moving to a big city where there's a lot of racism and hatred between whites/blacks. Well, this small town has a fairly large racism issue going on right now, so don't give me that. As I said, it's all in the context of how you use it.
As far as the gay thing goes, some people need to understand that there is a difference between a gay/homosexual person and a queer/fag. A gay/homosexual person, is just that, they simply prefer the companionship of their own sex, rather than the opposite. These people, generally, you'd never know they were gay untill they mentioned that they were, and you probably would doubt them when they did.
However, a faggot/queer is used to generally describe a flamboyant gay person, or by homophobics to describe any gay person. Everyone knows the kind of people that I'm talking about, the ones you just KNOW are gay before you even talk to them. The way they walk, the way they talk, the way they do EVERYTHING is just so obviously... gay.
Now, the same thing really goes with deafness. At least for me, the situation is the same as with blacks and the term "nigger". Hell, if any deaf person "disses" me for being deaf or whatever, I'd just laugh it off at their obvious stupidity. Now, when it comes to a hearing person, that's an entirely different subject. Once again, it's all in the context of how it's used. I mean, this is the first example that comes to my head, but like, some of my buddies will be chatting on their cell's, and the guy on the other line will ask something like "what 'ya doin'?" and then my friend or whatever would tell him that he's with Michael, naturally, the guys going to wonder WHICH michael exactly, so my friends will *ususally* reply "deaf michael". Now, by saying that, they did set me aside from the rest of the "normal" people by pointing out I was deaf when they could have just used my last name instead, however though, it wasn't intended to offend me, or insult me, and it didn't just because of that.
Now, if I'm in a heated argument with someone, and THEY bring up the deafness issue, they're gonna get a busted lip. Becuase their INTENT was to offend me, their INTENT was to insult me, their INTENT was to disrespect me, and I don't do that shit.
Sorry for going off-topic, but yeah. I guess I'm just saying, I don't see anything offending/insulting about "gaybow" simply becuase it's not INTENDED to do those things.
Now, on a different matter, does anyone know where the gayness and rainbow relation came from?
Edit -- I'm probably going to piss off some people for doing this, but I un-censored the word nigger, because I feel that it is entirely un-necessary since I'm just explaining my views, rather than insulting someone.