Not sure if you meant the street name "Gay St." or the name of a big gay village?
Anyway, on the topic of gay villages:
Do you mean "Church Street" in Toronto, Ontario?
Or perhaps you meant "Ste Catherine" St in Montreal, Ontario?
These are much longer than Davie Street in Vancouver. (I think something like 10 blocks, versus 3 blocks)
As for Church Street in TO, that's where they do the filming of the street/bar scene in "Queer As Folk". They actually film the Woody's in "Queer As Folk" at the real Woody's there. Although the Babylon is a different bar (they put up a substitute neon sign during filming). Yeah, they film it there in Canada even though "Queer as Folk" is made by a USA company.
The two places, "Church Street" (Toronto) and "Ste Catherine" (Montreal) are very big gay scenes in North America, bigger than nearly all USA cities and many people think the Toronto-Montreal gay scene is nowadays bigger than San Francisco. (Although some debate that!). Heard to the tune of something like 330,000 gays living in Toronto.
People have their own particular prefrences to what their favourite gay village is, but I think Montreal has a lot of nods, at least locally.
Seeing that you are a dyke, there is a big dyke bar on the second floor of "Le Drugstore" in Montreal. Happend to pass by there during the Pride festival.