Gay ‘cure’ still sought by some therapists


Sussi *7.7.86 - 18.6.09*
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Jan 13, 2004
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Gay ‘cure’ still sought by some therapists

U.K. study: Sixth of counselors tried to curb patients’ homosexual ‘feelings’

LONDON - A sixth of British therapists said they had tried to help gay, bisexual and lesbian patients become heterosexual, even though evidence suggests such therapies can be harmful, according to a survey released on Thursday.

Michael King of University College London, who published his findings in the journal BMC Pyschiatry, said the number of therapists who said they had tried to help a person change their sexual orientation was surprising.

"There is very little evidence to show that attempting to treat a person's homosexual feelings is effective and in fact it can actually be harmful," King said in a telephone interview. Such an approach could provoke greater anxiety and confusion.

The survey showed that 17 percent of therapists and psychiatrists working in Britain had sought to help their patients reduce "gay or lesbian feelings" through therapy, the researchers said.

Treating homosexuality as a mental illness was more common in the United States and Britain during the 1970s and 1980s, when so-called "aversion" therapy was in vogue, he added.

These treatments involved tactics such as pairing homosexual imagery with electric shocks to induce feelings of revulsion, King said.

The World Health Organization only removed homosexuality from its list of mental illnesses in 1992, he added

"There was a huge fashion for these treatments in the 1970s and 80s," he said. "Now we are talking more about helping patients control their thoughts, to reduce their homosexual feelings."

King's study showed that some therapists now use more subtle strategies aimed at getting patients to "control" their homosexual feelings, and eventually change their sexual orientation.

King and colleagues asked more than 1,400 therapists if they would try to change a patient's sexual orientation if asked to do so.

Only 4 percent declared that they would. However, in response to further questions, one in six said that they had already tried to help patients control or change their sexual orientation through a range of therapies.

Reasons provided by therapists in the anonymous study ranged from their own religious and moral views about homosexuality to patients' anxiety over discrimination, the researchers said.

Gay ‘cure’ still sought by some therapists - Sexual health-


Maybe next new therapy for religion? :hmm:
Oh gosh. No comment on it. it's useless for me to discuss about fixing everything with human being's ((in their words)) FLAWS.
All I can say is that these therapists have a few screws loose.

These treatments involved tactics such as pairing homosexual imagery with electric shocks to induce feelings of revulsion, King said.

That reminds me of A Clockwork Orange! Except instead of homosexuality tendencies, it's with violent behavior.

These therapists are really really dumb... and I'm not even gonna add "IMO" because.. it's not even an opinion. It's a fact. Even if they claim "Hey the client really wanted to do something about his/her problems with being gay, I am just trying to do what the client wants." Still very very dumb.
:lol: Frisky Feline, Shel90 & DareDevel07! I really haven't any opinion on this but find those article werid that's why I made a sarcasm over next therapy..... :aw:


Really? I doubt.

Talk abt a bunch of hypocrites.

It's wrong of them to judge them from their personal lives as it has nothing to do with us or anything.

Gay, Bi, or Straight...we are all in this world for a reason.

I am completely straight and I have afew friends who are gay or lesbians, even some bi and I never judge them as long as we just respect eachother is all.
Therapists that try to change a person's sexual orientation need to to through aversion therapy themselves. When you are acting as a doctor, you are not to let your personal bias affect your course of treatment for the patient. Clearly, you cannot completely eradicate homosexuality, when it becomes a witch hunt, homosexuals just go underground and devise ways to keep it alive. And I personally believe you are born with a preference, you can't control or choose your sexuality.
That reminds me of A Clockwork Orange! Except instead of homosexuality tendencies, it's with violent behavior.


Me too.

Pretty much I agree with the majority here, but it does raise a question in my mind though. What if a person is attracted to their own sex but for some reason wants to become a heterosexual. What would be the position of the therapist in such a situation?

Should the therapist cure them of being homosexual, or cure them of wanting to be a heterosexual?
Me too.

Pretty much I agree with the majority here, but it does raise a question in my mind though. What if a person is attracted to their own sex but for some reason wants to become a heterosexual. What would be the position of the therapist in such a situation?

Should the therapist cure them of being homosexual, or cure them of wanting to be a heterosexual?

Good point, but this really is no different from a priest asking a therapist to "cure" him for wanting to practice abstinance. Is this still a right thing to do? There is a difference between guiding someone to "find other methods" (even self inflicted pain, think rubberband on wrist) when they think of things they dont want to think about and actually administering electric shock a la Clockwork Orange.
If a gay person doesn't want help, don't try to change them to into a straight person. It's like trying to tell a person to stop drinking or smoking which won't work. They have to help themselves.
My question is...should homosexuality should be grouped together with smoking, drinking, sexual, and etc addictions?

If one is attracted to the opposite sex but wants to be attracted to the same sex, would a therapist help the person "cure" of hetrosexual urges?

I dont think one can change into a hetrosexual from homosexual or vice versa.
Everyone knows there's a cure...but its top secret classified information and in revealing it would be ban-worthy upon a sentence of death ;)
If a gay person doesn't want help, don't try to change them to into a straight person. It's like trying to tell a person to stop drinking or smoking which won't work. They have to help themselves.


Their own personal choice. not ours.
Good point, but this really is no different from a priest asking a therapist to "cure" him for wanting to practice abstinance. Is this still a right thing to do? There is a difference between guiding someone to "find other methods" (even self inflicted pain, think rubberband on wrist) when they think of things they dont want to think about and actually administering electric shock a la Clockwork Orange


As for electric shock -- I am against it under any circumstances except defense of one's self or others.
Everyone knows there's a cure...but its top secret classified information and in revealing it would be ban-worthy upon a sentence of death ;)

Like what? Handing a cure shot to the gay guy as he takes it and he shouts out "I LOVE BOOBIES!!!"?

lol I've seen that in The Simpsons once.