Just got GoW and Madden 08 in today. GoW in good condition with slightly scratches on disc. Madden 08 in crystal clear codition! Will test them out tomorrow since my mom is visiting here tonite from 11 hours drive. More likely I will keep GoW and get BioShock (hopefully!) :fingersx:
Cool. Hit me up for some GOW. I'm still n00bish in that game but I'm getting better and better. Chuchin/Terminator teases me that I am '9 months' too late, and everyone has been playing it for 9 months. Despite that, I do have some pwnage moments.
Kept GoW for 30 dollars. The gameitself 24.95, 2.06 tax, and 2.95 s&h.

Now BioShock on #1 list. Tiger Woods 08 at #2, & Stranglehold at #3.

Hope they will ship BioShock tmw. :fingersx:
Oh yeah!! 2 other people on reported they got their BioShock's sent to them from GameFly too. I need to finish Condemned and ship it back before I start BioShock..
Oh yeah!! 2 other people on reported they got their BioShock's sent to them from GameFly too. I need to finish Condemned and ship it back before I start BioShock..

I defeated Condemned via using my old gamertag. I wish I can have that gamescore transfer to my new gamerscore. I dont want to start over again playing condemned which the boss at the end is soooo hard to beat! Took me a while to finally killed him. It is cool game.

Glad I am getting BioShock sooner. I dont see any keep it price next to BioShock. Maybe its not for sale now.
They will add 'keep It now' price in a few days or 1 week. When Madden08 was shipped it had no price, then it has a price 1 or 2 days later.
I just mailed Madden 08 back to gamefly today. How long does this mail usually take to get to gamefly center? I am from Texas and the center it goes to is in Calif. Reason because I am hoping to get Tiger Woods 08 which will be released on Tuesday. Will I be able have enough time?
Yea, Gamefly is best thing to check these games out before buy. And enough space on the game shelves at home. LOL

Could be less cost to rent them until finish them off instead buy one and lost money when sell to GameStop or game store.

I will join Gamelfy for my son who always finish games then sold to GameStop for less credit than he brought them there. At first, he need to do well at his school then give him reward.
I think the GameFly system will push out Gamestop/EB store system someday.

The word about GameFly return time is it takes about a week for you to send it back to them, but only a few days for them to get the rental game to you. I sent back Condemned on tuesday in hopes to get 1 of 3 new games coming out next week. I will post when I get a notification of it being received.