e said:
CSUN is not nothing but hearing school.
RIT is the same thing. A hearing college.
e said:
CSUN have a dorm building for deafies and hearings who are in deaf studies major. CSUN is really huge school and there weren't enough dorms for MANY students (included hearings) so a lot of them ended up living in the apartments. There were a lot of nice apt buildings around the campus. So, my VR knew about the situation and supported that, helped to pay some of my rent.
RIT has the same thing. RIT has 4 major dormitories and 9 minor dormitories. They also offer special areas in dorms: Lifestyle Floors, 21 & Over Floors, Alcohol/Substance Free Floors, Intensified Study Floor, Non-Smoking Floor/Building, and Wellness Floor. They also have special sections of floors for special interest groups: Business Leaders of Tomorrow, Art House, Computer Science House, Engineering House, House of General Science, International House, Photo House, and Unity House. They also have a couple buildings with Greeks living there too.
e said:
In case you didn't know, NCOD- National Center on Deafness-
http://ncod.csun.edu/ CSUN provided a building for NCOD where all deafies meet up for events or appointments with counselors who knew sign language, signing up for interpreter, notetaking, captioning set ups. NCOD had a lot of connections with other deaf organiaztions where they always informed at NCOD or mass-email about upcoming deaf events or sign-up courses, etc. They have their own deaf library and several classrooms for deaf students only. CSUN have some deaf professors, also.
NTID is similar. They have emergency loans services, interpreter services, equipment services, computer labs, hearing aid place, etc. They also have an interpreter services department on the other side of campus. They have sub-groups of interpreters for various majors (each of the 8 colleges on campus). They also provide various "NTID Section" courses, which is RIT class but with all deaf students. We also have a deaf teacher who teaches hearing classes. I had her 3 times already, she's nice.
e said:
I never heard of that kind of problem with California state VR, some people who are from Cali got VR supported to go to CSUN. Sure, my VR couraged me to go to Gally or RIT a few times, I wasn't interest in them.
RIT provides various types of loans and financial aid. They even have a financial aid counselor for NTID students. A lot of NTID students here have VR support. Some of them fuck up in school, so they lose VR support and end up leaving school.
e said:
CSUN is a large school, it has just about every kind of majors including educations, social workers, psychology, astronomy (sp?), health and so on. Especially one major- I majored in art, which is in my opnion wasn't as good as other art schools I've attended. So, that's a big part of reason I left.
We've got just about every major there is: art, psychology, criminal justice, chemistry, food & services, travel, astronomy, social work, secondary education, hotel management, nuclear medicine, biology, business, programming, computer graphics, photography, etc. That's why RIT has 8 colleges within (like I said in my recent post).
e said:
CSUN have deaf sorority and fratnerity. They had weekly events at NCOD or outside campus at deaf sorority/fratnerity's houses.
Whew! We've got deaf fraternities and sororities too. We've got Alpha Sigma Theta, Sigma Sigma Sigma, Delta Sigma Phi, Kappa Phi Theta, and Sigma Nu. We've also got hearing fraternities and sororities. Delta Sigma Phi and Sigma Sigma Sigma have their own "floor". ("floor" is like having a dormitory-house.) 3 other hearing fraternities and 1 hearing sorority also have a "floor". There's also 6 houses on campus: 4 occupied by hearing fraternities and 2 occupied by hearing sororities.
e said:
Some famous people graduated or attended there, too!
I can't list any famous people since I'm not completely familiar with RIT's history... but we have had a lot of famous people come to our college. We had Hillary Clinton visit. We also had Thomas Golisano (donated and supported the College of Computing & Information Sciences), Louis Slaughter (donated and supported the program for military weapons research. psst, they're working on a military jet right now!

they also worked a couple years ago on a military hummer to improve its onboard computer systems.), George Tenet (Director of CIA) came for the commencement speech, and various other people. We are also a source of donations. Kodak donated money to rebuild a part of the walkway to honor Kodak's 100-year anniversary. ESPN donated money to completely renovate the RITZ (food area) including an on-campus ESPN-Zone television broadcasting show/station. One guy donated money to have a multi-million dollar abstract craft built at the front. It stands so tall that it can be seen from away from campus. A group of alumnus donated money to have a super-sized gym building added to a smaller gym/workout building we already had. It is currently being worked on but will be done by the end of Spring or Summer. The donations list goes on and on. Heh!
Does this make you wanna come to RIT now?