As discriminatory as this may sound - perhaps depending on your high school exit exam scores will determine if you will be remediated for 1 additional year of high school, simply be thrown straight into the workforce, or if you wil be eligible to continue to post-secondary school.
Students will be allowed to try and pass their exit exams twice, if they fail a second time they will be given a certificate of attendance and will be offered a job straight into the workforce. These are the kids that simply have not learned or simply cannot retain information very well to handle a collegiate workload.
The exit exam would basically measure one's ability to have basic function to survive on their own, and one's ability to go on to higher levels of education.
I remember one time I was talking to a fellow classmate of mine at the university, he was describing his remedial algebra class and what not, but then I asked him his major of study, he replied he wanted to be an accountant.

Thats a scary thought. He was a nice kid but I thought to myself if you're having this much trouble with remedial algebra you might want to consider studying something less numeric like uhhhh Art??
I think if the public schools raised the bar instead of feeling sorry for little Johnny I think little Johnny woiuld rise to meet it and really be set up for success in life.
Used to if a student did not meet the requirements of graduating - they were given a certificate of attendance, not a diploma, allowed to walk with the class, but the following week they were at the local adult learning centres working on their GEDs - just so they could get a job flipping burgers at Sonic. They were told right off that they were not going to be coddled, if they wanted to survive they were going to have to work at it. But thing is a GED is the equivalent of a 9th grade completion, not a high school diploma equivalent.
Those that got the actual diploma - had to prove it. They had to pass every single class from 9th grade on.
Now those who dont pass well they are given a diploma but it states on the transcript - remedial coursework or special education curriculum. These kids are nowhere near ready to attend college.
And those who do actually get the diploma - they have to take exit exams which test only to about the 9th or 10th grade levels and not every student passes. I think those that dont pass graduate under the special education curriculum. The schools are doing these kids a disservice.