Gally Homecoming


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Premium Member
Mar 7, 2003
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Gally Homecoming is coming up soon on Oct 22nd.... Is anyone going???

I might go....
quacking *cries* You shoot down ducks? I didn't know that you do that.

DeafSCUBA98 said:
not going sowwy having duck hunting :D
sequoias said:
quacking *cries* You shoot down ducks? I didn't know that you do that.
in fact.. i never killed a duck before.. but.. i'm going for the first time with my friend (not gonna use the gun, just watch and learn.. maybe someday) sorry if that offense you..

as well i like deer meat, wild turkey meat.. i'm a meat lover.
Nah, it didn't offend me. I never killed an animal for food before, though. I do want to taste ostrich meat, deer meat, etc. I like meat, too. Back to the topic on that thread.......

DeafSCUBA98 said:
in fact.. i never killed a duck before.. but.. i'm going for the first time with my friend (not gonna use the gun, just watch and learn.. maybe someday) sorry if that offense you..

as well i like deer meat, wild turkey meat.. i'm a meat lover.
No. Maybe in 5-10 years. I'm kinda busy doing other things.
hope U do ur PRIDE.. Ppl may put down Gally..but they must no like Gally... Wish me parnet send me gally before.. They keep me in- state Deaf Sch..
why do u ppl who may not know a thing abt Gally put down.. frist sch for us!
No me not start argue.. Me just glad there are here ppl who go Gally..
Ppl Gally get our ADA laws.. U sm Deaf shd be pride tht U have ADA laws..
or do U not care when U do not have actsent to public builds.. Maybe before ur time...
when Gally Stand up Proud day... All Deaf sch USA take same stand.. Show our Pride! Mean lot we have hands heard!
Old Navy when U granduateQQ wht U take thereQQ U still see old frdsQQ
yes me Deaf.. have be all life... Hope u have fun tht day... pls take pics...
U do no mind me luv see pic's... U can PM pic me.. Thks...

Have great time.. Go Pride!

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