FYI: Life Expectancy Calculator (URL)


New Member
Nov 15, 2005
Reaction score
:wave: My life expectancy is 98.1, according to this calculator. :)

I have the body of a Greek God,
or was it a mad Greek, I dunno, can't remember. :D

You wanna see what your personal life expectancy is?

Click the arrow to begin here: Real Age & Life Expectancy Calculator
What?! It says my life expectancy is 62.1, says my real age is 40.9 and really only 29. :pissed: how sad
haha doug.. dont feel bad... i think them tests are hogwash.. they cant determine how long you will live and when u will die so whatever to them.. lol..

here what mine said... *ahem*

Shot at 2007-08-13
Mine's 78 lifespan and real age is 25 years old. I'm actually 30 years old. :) I know it's only a test, but it's cool.
Biological Age: 19
Real Age: 16.8

Average Life Expectancy: 74
Your Life Expectancy: 76.2

Wow, it's time for me go back to high school. :ugh3:
biological age: 26
real age: 21

average life expectancy:74
my life expectancy:79

hm, interesting