Future motorcycle without kick stand? WTF...

A ready made coffin. Im sure it wont hold up to any impact, and not much room inside to pad you.
The creator said that it had front and side air bags, and they demonstrated that the vehicle should remain upright in an impact. However, they didn't explain what would happen if it were crushed, sliced open, airborne, or wrapped around a pole or tree.
The creator said that it had front and side air bags, and they demonstrated that the vehicle should remain upright in an impact. However, they didn't explain what would happen if it were crushed, sliced open, airborne, or wrapped around a pole or tree.

low-speed crash is one thing but... high-speed crash? it doesn't matter if you're in a truck, bus, bulldozer, car, etc.... crash is a crash. people die or get maimed if it got to the point where a vehicle hugged a pole or tree.
Hmm... looks like it requires power to keep itself standing. That would sound like a good idea if you were to leave it parked while it charged, but what if you park it some place where there's no charge? Will the battery last long enough to keep it standing on its own?

It does look nice a nice piece of technology, but only for singles. Definitely not for me... as my job requires me to bring a lot of things with me.

agree, its just a stupid impractical gimmick, trying to look 'futurtistic'
i mean now,
sci-fi is no longer a 'crystal ball for fashions or technology', it's like sci-fi is dead...
to make bit more practical, add on a side car, no wait, do it on both sides... oh it needs a boot space...larger motor to lug the wieght, better wheels and shocks for control on the road... better seats...oh
we already got that
its called cars!