Funny Thing Happened to Me at the Food Store


New Member
Feb 25, 2006
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Hubby has the van so I took a cab so I could get the stuff I needed for dinner. Well I was at the check out talking to both my girls. When I was just so pre-ocuppied with them that I FORGOT ALL MY GROCCERIES!

I felt so stupid. I was just having a nice conversation and totally forgot to load them in the I was pushing an empty car outside.

My girls thought it was hilarious. So did a few people in the store. When they saw me waking back in...telling the teller that I "thought I forgot something." LOL more like 5-6 grocceries bags of something.

Yea it happened to me sometimes. The clerk had to run up to me and said here you forgot this. :giggle:
:rofl: that is so funny!!!! lol it never happened to me before :lol: I hope so not in one day lol :lol:
:rofl: that happens to everybody I bet!

Few happened to me, whe I forgot something and they will run up to me and say you forgot it
Oh my!!! LOL

My neighbor and I went to food shopping and we were ready to put our grocery bags in the trunk. She couldnt find her car keys. The worker walked up to my neighbor and gave her the car keys. My neighbor was like oh my goodness, not again. She always left something at the store and walked out. I always make sure she have everything with her before WE leave the building.
:giggle: serious?? geeze but sometimes happen to me when the clerk or cashier came to me say u forgot something...
That has happened to me when I go to the hardware store or the car parts store. The guy comes running outside and I am walking to get in and drive away then I see everybody has this scared, worried or a concerned look then I look in one of the car windows to see who is behind me in a split second, I am ready to defend myself and it is the store clerk out of breath and in his fist is some cash and change. I say thank you and drive away because I don't need the attention then people eventually go back to minding their own business. :cool: