this one?
Fear Factor - Trapped Under Ice 1 - YouTube
1. Looking at the video... it has all these metal wireframes underwater and that leads to confusion.
2. Secondly.. Fear Factor is a tv show. a TV show. I wouldn't even use Fear Factor as an example. it's not even close to a real thing. hell - I bet the lakes I swam in Tough Mudder race were much colder than that!!! and I did this in Vermont in April! the water was so cold that once you jump into it... your entire body goes into spasm or convulsion so hard that you can't even breathe. your body or legs will continue to spasm for a few more minutes even when you're out of water. A lifeguard had to pull me out of the lake and that was my first lake. now that I got a taste of it and I knew what to expect.. I had to do it again several more times.
3. Lastly... why in the god's name would you dive into "icy water" with only bikini or swimsuit to retrieve something and back to hole? it makes absolutely NO sense to do that in real world. it's a death sentence.
freezing water? more like "chilly" water! definitely not colder than a cold bath at any spa.

look at her! she sat down and went lalalalala with her legs in the water. and then she was able to swim down, locate a tag and then swim back up. her cognitive function was functioning just fine. if the water was so cold... she would not be able to accomplish any single task except to get out of water because your cognitive function is gone and your primal survival instinct kicks in! only Navy SEALs can do this task in a frigid water. and some crazy Russians
so if that guy jumped and actually broke thru ice into water... he will go into spasm within seconds. he will be able to swim but he will have maybe 10 seconds left or his entire body would go into a complete convulsion and exhaustion due to shock unless he's used to cold swimming. but let's assume he's used to cold swimming... once he jumps in and broke thru ice into water... the ice will form back in shape and he may or may not be able to get out depending on how thick and how heavy the ice is because it's a pool.... an enclosed space... the broken pieces of ice will just form back together instantly since there's nowhere for broken pieces to go - the dispersion.