Funniest thing an uneducated person has said to you?

Did you tell them that was disrespectful?

I wish I had thought of that. I'm still fighting with part of my personality that says if I'm to tell them this, I shouldn't prove I'm just as rude as they are. I need to say it in a respectable/nice way. But my brain doesn't work that well when I'm nervous or under pressure.
I was walking down on the aisle. One dude saw me and tapped on my shoulder, asked me, "Is that new bluetooth on your ear?" Of course, my first reaction, "wtf?" , told him back, "No, its my digital hearing aid". He said, "Oh, i thought bluetooth because its look like. Sorry, sir". That's CLASSY from him and replied him back, "Its ok, sir. Enjoy your day, man". He nods and left.

Interesting.. hearing aid = bluetooth. Thats different design and surprised that dude doesnt know what it is. LOL.
This is not a stupid thing someone said, but it is creepy. Last week I was walking in the mall to meet my daughter and granddaughter, and suddenly from behind me a young man, maybe 20 years old jumped in front of me and was laughing and mouthing exageratedly, "And how are you today?".

I am guessing he must have noticed hearing aids and was behind me for awhile amusing his friends by the fact I did not know he was there and probably making fun of me.

It makes it more fun to just stay home.:(
Once in the CVS store, there are several small aisles. I pushed the small cart everywhere. When I got in the long line with only one cashier, my back blocked the aisle completely that I wasn't aware. The people in front of me stared at me. I was puzzled until I felt the hard bump on my back. There was an old lady with cart pushed the cart at my back and yelled, "EXCUSE ME! CAN'T YOU HEAR ME?" She was so angry. My face was red and realized that my hearing aids didn't work. It turned out the batteries had died at the wrong time. I said, "Ohhh, I'm so sorry, ma'am." She was taken back with my voice and said "Oh Sorry, you can't hear me, right?" I said, "Yeah but my aids' batteries just died but still I'm sorry." Everything was all right.

At the grocery store, forget it....they'd grumble and holler at me if I don't hear them saying "excuse me." Sheesh.....a few would apologize. Some don't...they sometimes give me some dirty looks. :roll: I always put out my hands and shrug lightly and go "Huh? Sorry!"
The stupidest thing some one would ask me after I tell them that I'm deaf would be

Can you hear me now?

I'm like nope couldn't hear you before either.
The stupidest thing some one would ask me after I tell them that I'm deaf would be

Can you hear me now?

I'm like nope couldn't hear you before either.

Oh yeah, my grandpa did that to me when he learned I had lost my hearing. Too bad people don't realise they're not as original with their "jokes" as they think they are.
This is funny... because I do that to homeless people. I pretend to know only sign to get them away from me. It works perfectly because they just go "Ug..." and walk away, but one guy actually yelled out and held up 3 fingers in the air "THREE DOLLARS! ME! THREE DOLLARS!"

and wtf? three dollars?! Isnt that kind of a lot?!

that's to buy a pack of cigarettes, I guess.... or some crack
I was walking down on the aisle. One dude saw me and tapped on my shoulder, asked me, "Is that new bluetooth on your ear?" Of course, my first reaction, "wtf?" , told him back, "No, its my digital hearing aid". He said, "Oh, i thought bluetooth because its look like. Sorry, sir". That's CLASSY from him and replied him back, "Its ok, sir. Enjoy your day, man". He nods and left.

Interesting.. hearing aid = bluetooth. Thats different design and surprised that dude doesnt know what it is. LOL.

I think he liked the design of your HA and probably wanted to buy one. LOL
:giggle: @ everyone's posts.

There was a guy that used to work with me, he was talking and blowing in one my ear, I turned to face him and told him "I'm deaf, I can not hear you",

but unfortunately he did not listen and kept doing it over and over

once again I turned to face him and asked him "when was the last time you brushed your teeth" ?

he stood there in silence for a second then he walked away.

Thanks God! :roll:
:giggle: @ everyone's posts.

There was a guy that used to work with me, he was talking and blowing in one my ear, I turned to face him and told him "I'm deaf, I can not hear you",

but unfortunately he did not listen and kept doing it over and over

once again I turned to face him and asked him "when was the last time you brushed your teeth" ?

he stood there in silence for a second then he walked away.

Thanks God! :roll:

:rofl: sorry, coudln't help it :giggle:
I think he liked the design of your HA and probably wanted to buy one. LOL

digital HA?! small one. [shake head]

if i sell that one then i left and he'll like, "BULLSHIT, this is not damn bluetooth!" :laugh2:
She: "Your hair real?"
Me: "Yes"
She: "I no believe you" *pulling out my hair*
Me: "What's that for?"
She: "sorry" *walk away*
Since you said Misha about people thought that deaf peopel can't drive.. I will just tell them -- Yer, I can drive stick too! Doesn't it surprise you, no?
At school I just had gotten a new FM, and those hearing kids came up to me and asked "Where did you get that cool Walkman from?"

I was like "Uh... no, this is not a Walkman. This is a FM." The kids gave me a weird look and walked off.

Few years ago, I was at Queensland Transport to renew my drivers license, and this clerk chick said that I needed a medical certificate to prove that I can drive without any assistance. I was like WTF! and told her that I am able to drive WITHOUT any bloody assistance! All I have to do is be more observant whilst being on road! She was like "I need to talk to my manager". I was like "Whatever. Just do what you have to do". Then the manager comes up to me, and asks me few questions, and laughed and told the clerk chick to forget about medical certificate.
About my deafness, what I am capable of doing and stuff.
have you driven a car in the past few years?

Yes, I have, you dumbass

Angel's post kinda of remind me of something similar happens to me.

There was a guy talking to me and i wasnt aware he was asking me something till he tapped me on my shoulder and said to me didnt u hear what i said? I said no sorrry i cant hear you as am Deaf. What he do walk around the other side of me and try the other ear and said is that better u can hear me now? Im like "wrf" so said to him dont u get it I'm DEAF!! in a loud voice and said i can hear nothing at all so look at me and read my lips. He got taken back and went ohh im sorry im sorry and walked away. Typical!!
It has to be the question if I am able to be my mother's power of attorney due to my deafness. I guess deaf people can't be responsible for another person. I've also had the one where people ask if I can drive and someone actually asked it I was able to do my own shopping and chores at home? I said "no, I have to have my hearing pet along. What hearing pet, my pet snake." That always shuts them up.