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aaaaaahhhhhh why is people whining about grammers SCOFFS
let it GO sheesh

Nooooo. People are whining about words being purposely misspelled because its trendy.
Mod Note:

Reading through this...some of you don't go the way of being courteous with the sort of remarks/comments here...not everyone is going to 'read' precisely what's the intention is behind the msg., hence, a few of you will retort to one-liners, expecting all to fully understand that this is either a joke, playing along when such comment can also be viewed as a form of mockery. I've been noticing that's the case with a few for some time now and expect a PM shortly and possibly any action.

This is beyond funny...(oh, wait a mintue, I'll say: internet word adage...hmm?)'s bs. and not the sort that a majority of members here in AD need to be associated with and relate to one another on common ground and have a common courtesy to present posts in a way it can't be construed as something else...'reading minds' is what very few ppls. in this world can do....therefore, the respect and decency to 'point out' such comments like a few of these one or two-liners isn't prevalent. Also, the mockery is strongly not allowable as well...this sort of mockery is going way out of line, something I've been noticing for some time saddens me that there are ppls. who will lower themselves in that department. C'mon people...our own culture is small compared to another culture that has a majority, let's be more reasonable and put an end to this senseless manner that is being portrayed here and there throughout Alldeaf. Otherwise, you'll be pushed out the door and go seek some other site/Forum that will cater to your way of life, the sort and kind that really doesn't care what others think or feels....Bottom line, that's not going to happen here.

compared to how you spelled "rediculous"... you spelled it wrong. Has anyone in this thread say anything about your spelling? No.

So you have to say something about grammar nazis? You're not deaf.. you're hearing and you don't know jack shit what its like to be deaf. we struggle every single day in our lives to make it right or to try to. You're hearing and you don't know how to spell. so hello?

I don't get it with you, grammar nazis. But that's ok. you want to be that way, then be that way. That goes for Lucia too. I'm surprised at you, Lucia because you are deaf and you should know better what its like having to struggle with grammars. or you just don't have anything better to do but to compare yourself to us?

Kingofnoobs, go look up "noobs" see if that's a word.

heres what I found.

No Matching Entries Found.
The word you've entered isn't in the thesaurus.

Spelling Suggestions for noobs:

Its the same as Funni. Funni is just another spelling that sound the same as funny.

Angela, noob is not word in the dictionary if anyone does find , please let me know. Spelling words different is no crime in chats and forums, like I have said before to be online doesn't require a Ph.D in spelling and grammar.
What is this nonsense thread here? :ugh3:

I can't see the sense why their typing grammar does bother you... :roll:

It doesn't bother me really...

Look at example of some ADers typing grammers "'" instead of "g" than just funn"i". Anyone who like to type "i" or "'" instead of "y" or "g" doesn't bother me really but accept what they are. All what I think is their typing grammer "i" is more warm and friendly than "y"... That's why I called my soon to be 21 years old cat Suss"i" instead of Suss"y" or "ie"... *shrug*.

I really have no problem to see them who prefer to type "i" or "'"... over "y" or "g". I can't see the sense why their grammar does bother you?

If anyone who pick on their grammar for the fun then is their uneducation and ignorant. IMO.
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