From the first of november ...

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You will be back before you know it! Good luck! :wave:
Aww! I can undy...sounds like you will have a lot of other commitments and it is best to focus on them instead of on AD.

Good luck and I do hope to see you back here again in the near future! :hug:
My friend, I tried to leave; I couldn't do it. Trust me... you'll be back.
You've created friendships and a relationship with us, here, on and you've chosen to abandon us.

I excommunicate you unless you let us keep tabs on your well-being.
...some of you may or may not remember, that I have created a thread in regards of my llifestyle and what has been happening. The big JClarke, who has been around for two years, is retiring from AD.

Yes, you heard it, Jacob's retiting from AD, but it is not for the reason becuase I would be bad person, sometimes I think I am, sometimes I am not. But I have a huge commitments outside AD and such. Which sometimes distracts me to AD, I know I have made great friends, but unfortunately, from 2009, I have a job and university I have to study, which will be more than I would get to what I am at the community college.

I would like to thank you for having me here, I have made good, bad and netrual posts around the forum and such.

If anyone intends to offer me to help moderating the forum, I have to turn it down, I'm sorry. I know I have contributed much to you all AD'ers.

But I am always nearby the AIM, if you want a chat or two though.

Its time for me to go.

...Jclarke over and out, from 1st November 2008

:zzz: nonsense! lol good luck, dude.

you attention whore....
you can't! i like everyone else believe you'll b back! PRETTY PLEASE???:D
if you take a break thats cool if you dont post too often its cool understandable too..but dont Go!

i know its your choice to leave for your choice reasons what really needs in your future lifes i dont blame you i know you been so busy.

yours friends,
Sara Boyce
alldeaf -sara1981
As the Governorator says, " I' ll be back" so, will you:giggle:
Don't return. This was what holding you back from your dreams. Don't listen to us all. DON'T LISTEN TO ME, ESPECIALLY.
Hey Jacob, it is not like you are going to jail and leave AD because of it :lol:
While you go to college, you may get a free time and borrow the computer at the library, hey sneak in to say hello from time to time like all children here do...

Good luck and I know you can do it!!! It is a good choice you had to choose and go for it. I wish you very well the best in your future. We will be here waiting to hear from ya!!! And we would like to hear all about your school and all.

No one asked you to leave, come on back and say hello, even during your holiday break if you can...Remember I disappeared for awhile working too hard all summer and I did come back :D

Good luck!!!
Hey JC, you will be back just like everyone saying too and so am i too!!!!!! Hee Hee - But Farewell for now! Good luck with your opportunity of your dreams and responsibilities of your job comes first!!!!!!! Someday, we will talk on VP or whatever.... Good luck again!


I know he'l be back. I admit though I havent been around as often either due to my commitments with work, school, and parenting. But I wouldn't consider 'retiring' from, LOL.
I m meaning to retire from Alldeaf forum because I have two jobs for both of full time and part time but I keep to be back to it sometimes if I feel time. I always use mostly technology forum and few other forums.

Jacob, you had good job for AD's technology forum. I hope that you will be back to them. I will talk with you in VP soon!
Aww Jacob, you'll be back! hope all goes well with you, good luck!
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