From hearing aids to cochlear implants


New Member
Oct 1, 2009
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I have a question for anyone who has an CI... After talking to my audiologist, she brought to my attention that my hearing aids can go no higher, and that its time for me to start thinking about a CI. Anyways my question is if anyone went from a hearing aid to a CI, how is it different with the sound?
Initially, voices are described as Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck and/or mechanical. I had the mechanical/computer generated sounds in the beginning. It did not take long for my brain to convert those sounds to what it remembered them sounding like before my hearing loss/hearing aids.

Having worn hearing aids, your brain should be quick to pick up what it's hearing.

I was implanted in my worse ear a little over a year ago. I was able to understand speech right away - though not perfect. During the first week I heard some ?buzzing? while I was running the kitchen faucet. I told my brain "that's water running" and instantly I heard water running instead of the buzzing.

I'm late-deafened and wore hearing aids the past 15+ years.
I recently transitioned from HA to CI...only on one side for now.

The amplified sound in my best ear was loud enough, but the words were not understandable (garbled). I guess that was from the loud amplification.

So, I had the CI in my completely deaf ear. And though it is far better than what I have been hearing it is not yet so great. Though I am still getting adjustments and going for speech therapy. I understand about 40% of the words now...which is a vast improvement for me. But, I am still hoping for more. (Though I do not see it happening unless in my next adjustment some miracle happens).

Overall...I would say the CI is clearly better (at least for me). And I am now thinking of going ahead with the other ear - hoping that it helps.
Well, when my hearing loss was only severe hearing aids worked just dandy. I personally liked my first set of analogs better than any digitals I ever had. But once you get into profound hearing aids just aren’t very helpful so the difference between hearing aids and CIs are night and day......with CI’s being far far superior, like not even in the same league as far being helpful.

I was implanted a little over 2.5 years ago and wish I could have done much MUCH sooner. I spent a decade with no health insurance. Thanks ACA!!!! Anyway, I’m unilaterally implanted and I chose my “better” the time I got it done they were equal rubbish, no response, but my right ear had had better hearing for the previous 20 years and had been the one I relied on had had the most stimulation. I figured I could progress faster with the ear with best hearing history. I am super happy with that decision, I was one of the “rockstar” activations. Within the first few mapping’s, within 6 weeks, I was hearing almost like I was before hearing loss.
Well, when my hearing loss was only severe hearing aids worked just dandy. I personally liked my first set of analogs better than any digitals I ever had. But once you get into profound hearing aids just aren’t very helpful so the difference between hearing aids and CIs are night and day......with CI’s being far far superior, like not even in the same league as far being helpful.

I was implanted a little over 2.5 years ago and wish I could have done much MUCH sooner. I spent a decade with no health insurance. Thanks ACA!!!! Anyway, I’m unilaterally implanted and I chose my “better” the time I got it done they were equal rubbish, no response, but my right ear had had better hearing for the previous 20 years and had been the one I relied on had had the most stimulation. I figured I could progress faster with the ear with best hearing history. I am super happy with that decision, I was one of the “rockstar” activations. Within the first few mapping’s, within 6 weeks, I was hearing almost like I was before hearing loss.
Well, when my hearing loss was only severe hearing aids worked just dandy. I personally liked my first set of analogs better than any digitals I ever had. But once you get into profound hearing aids just aren’t very helpful so the difference between hearing aids and CIs are night and day......with CI’s being far far superior, like not even in the same league as far being helpful.

I was implanted a little over 2.5 years ago and wish I could have done much MUCH sooner. I spent a decade with no health insurance. Thanks ACA!!!! Anyway, I’m unilaterally implanted and I chose my “better” the time I got it done they were equal rubbish, no response, but my right ear had had better hearing for the previous 20 years and had been the one I relied on had had the most stimulation. I figured I could progress faster with the ear with best hearing history. I am super happy with that decision, I was one of the “rockstar” activations. Within the first few mapping’s, within 6 weeks, I was hearing almost like I was before hearing loss.

I am glad it worked well for you...I guess I should get my other ear done also, and hope for good results also.
i wore aid on the left ear, i could hear better than right. thats why only one aid.
then, my left gotten worse.
then decided finally to have op at the age of 25. the ci is on the worst side, my right. that one i never wore aid.
months later i tried to put my old aid on left, and the right my ci. i tell you, the gap is huge. my right one is a lot better. with aid, the background is vanished a lot, and voice to quiet. with ci is seem very broad, i hear very far. its like i can see very far. :)
I’m finding after working in a truck my hearing garbled but if I stay away from cars I’m hearing much better I do enjoy for the most part I been leavening it off at home lately