hey whoever said they hated deafies has the right to hate deafies, why is everyone saying they have insecurities, we shouldnt hate or blast someone because they have difference in opinion.
my two cents
Anyone who hates a certain group of people without meeting the people of the group are more likely to have serious insecurities.
Ignoring it condones it.
Ignoring it doesn't necessarily condones it, I doubt any of you would be willing to go up to the KKK and try explaining to them why hating colored people is a bad idea, but that doesn't meant that you are for the KKK.
Same with religion. In school I would try to fight for what I believed was right until a group of people (of at least five) came up to me and literally started challenging my believes and it got to the point to where I couldn't even talk so I just turned around and went back to work, ignoring it. That does not mean that I am for the ridiculing of my faith, it just meant I acknowledged that I couldn't do anything about it, that I couldn't change their minds no matter what I did, and went on with my life. Thats just how I see it.
I learned the hard way that the only person you hurt by fuming over another person's discriminatory behavior is yourself, that person has already made up their mind and its no use trying to change it and if you try you'll become exausted and frustrated. Don't take their problems on yourself. The only thing you can do is hold your head high and try not to be like them, and maybe prove them wrong while your at it. And waite until the time is right, when you know you voice will be heard
maybe it's the redhead in you![]()
There, now maybe it'll make more sense![]()
It could be anything. I've had to deal with similar issues as this person has before.
I would be in a computer lab and there will be a couple deaf students talking and signing loudly. Everyone is distracted by these 2 students. So, when they are asked to be quiet... they immediately snap back "Hey! We're deaf! We can't hear ourselves being loud! We have an excuse to do whatever we're doing! So, fuck off!"
Whoa, what's with that attitude? Of course, this pissed off a lot of hearing students (including me, a deaf student).
Oh, there was one cute gal who was having a conversation with this guy. The issue of dating came up. Well, the guy bluntly told this cute gal... "I can't date you. I refuse to date you. You have hearing parents and don't sign 100% ASL!" Of course, this same guy used the same Deaf Pride and Deaf Culture attitude towards others to get what he wanted. He had a package for a deaf student. All he had was that student's name, but no address. He saw me and another student working in an office. He immediately walked in and started signing bluntly to my co-worker. "Hey, I have a package for this person. Do you know this person?" "Yes, I do." "Come on, hurry... I'm deaf and don't have all day to be treated like an idiot. Tell me where this person lives. Come on!" This made my co-worker very awkward, but I calmly interrupted telling her that she didn't have to tell him. He then looked at me, "Hey, it's none of your business. Shut up! You have no respect for us deaf people!" He then stormed out. (I could give you more stories of how he manipulated the deaf community with his "Deaf Pride" and "Deaf Culture" stuff.) He basically pissed everyone off.
So, I can understand where this guy is coming from. What he did may have been harsh, but he was just venting out his feelings online. After all, isn't that something many of you do in your blogs?
It's very sad, but you have a point. There are some deaf people who think the world owes them a lot more then something because they are deaf. But, then again, every culture has people like that. There are poor people who think the world owes them something because they are poor and there are rich people who think they are owed something because they are rich. I could go on and on.
Still, there is no reason to hate all deaf people because a few of them have an attitude problem, I'm sure you'd agree with that. It's the same with every culture...there is the majority, which in most cultures are fine, and then there is the minority, which have attitude problems for one reason or another.
This guy isn't just making up insults to pass the time. He means them. He has too many examples to be just screwing around...but, interestingly enough, he is part of a culture as well, and he is part of the ignorant, selfish part of that culture. He has been irritated or treated irrationally by a deaf person or two who had a chip on her shoulder, so he decided the whole culture has a problem. It's easier to do that then to think deeper and realize that no one group has a bunch of saints as members. He is clearly not an intelligent person, few intelligent persons make such ridiculous blanket statements, and he is clearly a very unhappy person. No one can be happy with that much hate inside them. Hate is a very deforming, negative energy. As silly, selfish and hurtful as he is, I am very sorry for him. I'd much rather be deaf then be him.
Anyone who hates a certain group of people without meeting the people of the group are more likely to have serious insecurities.
ok your more than welcome to meet your local neo nazi skinhead group and pal around
ok your more than welcome to meet your local neo nazi skinhead group and pal around
Very mature response. Guess u don't want anyone here to take u seriously? I will keep that in mind the next time.
what? you said Anyone who hates a certain group of people without meeting the people of the group are more likely to have serious insecurities.
hence my reply just saying have you done this?
im with you on this one. There are a lot of confused fuckwits bent on power but they have no idea how to use it properly which just trips over everyone.It could be anything. I've had to deal with similar issues as this person has before.
I would be in a computer lab and there will be a couple deaf students talking and signing loudly. Everyone is distracted by these 2 students. So, when they are asked to be quiet... they immediately snap back "Hey! We're deaf! We can't hear ourselves being loud! We have an excuse to do whatever we're doing! So, fuck off!"
Whoa, what's with that attitude? Of course, this pissed off a lot of hearing students (including me, a deaf student).
Oh, there was one cute gal who was having a conversation with this guy. The issue of dating came up. Well, the guy bluntly told this cute gal... "I can't date you. I refuse to date you. You have hearing parents and don't sign 100% ASL!" Of course, this same guy used the same Deaf Pride and Deaf Culture attitude towards others to get what he wanted. He had a package for a deaf student. All he had was that student's name, but no address. He saw me and another student working in an office. He immediately walked in and started signing bluntly to my co-worker. "Hey, I have a package for this person. Do you know this person?" "Yes, I do." "Come on, hurry... I'm deaf and don't have all day to be treated like an idiot. Tell me where this person lives. Come on!" This made my co-worker very awkward, but I calmly interrupted telling her that she didn't have to tell him. He then looked at me, "Hey, it's none of your business. Shut up! You have no respect for us deaf people!" He then stormed out. (I could give you more stories of how he manipulated the deaf community with his "Deaf Pride" and "Deaf Culture" stuff.) He basically pissed everyone off.
So, I can understand where this guy is coming from. What he did may have been harsh, but he was just venting out his feelings online. After all, isn't that something many of you do in your blogs?
hey whoever said they hated deafies has the right to hate deafies, why is everyone saying they have insecurities, we shouldnt hate or blast someone because they have difference in opinion.
my two cents