I wish I could find my old post about my personal logic on "hating Deaf schools", which was replied to someone's original post. But I can't find it anywhere else. =/
SnAzZyStyLe2002 -
After I read your story and a few of your posts, I'm sorry to say this... No offense, a several of your posts are nothing but full of rambling and fallacy. =/
Because if you blamed
all Deaf schools then... within
low reason, you were actually accused
all D/deaf staffs and former staffs, D/deaf workers and former workers, D/deaf students
(inculding me, damienmommy, xvali3nt3x, Foxrac, SkullChick, PuyoPiyo, Kaelei, XandieBoy, and another ADers who are former students of Deaf schools), D/deaf teachers and former teachers,
(Shel90, Reba, and another teacher AD'ers) and, little d/Deaf toddlers and children. Also, you fairly accused
all hearing people who worked at D/deaf schools. It is not matter if they are a jantior, nurse, cooker, and whatever career is fit in any D/deaf school.
YES, YOU ACCUSED HEARING PEOPLE AT DEAF SCHOOLS, TOO. Once you accused us, it will be our and my "faults", simply because of your pain experience of cruel intentions at your old school. :|
Look, trust me. I
was in your shoes, too. I actually
had a lot of similarities as yours. At my old school, they didn't 'welcome' me and 'hated' me, just cos I was different and a 'less beauty' person or whatever it was. I had pretty horrible experience, just like yours. But,
is it necessary to hate
all D/deaf schools and community, just because of my personal experience? It's pretty ridiculous and so ludicrous. I'd rather to use a brain to have a valid reason and rational thoughts on D/deaf schools and the D/deaf community.
Here's a little fact for ya:
Not all D/deaf schools or D/deaf people are like that, otherwise your posts are pretty unreasonable. Don't get me wrong. I completely and symphystically understand about your bad experience as your personal life, just I had it before. But, I really hope you are going to re-consider about what I said.
for listening.