Friends with benefits --

Y said:
Wow what a beautiful yet sad story...
That's why I do NOT like to see when
someone else (third party) came later
and then interefered & changed
your original friendship/relationship, Sigh...

Just curious if you don't mind why
did you think that both Dale and you
were NOT compatible for a relationship ?
Of course you do not have to explain
if you do not feel comfortable ...

I have the feeling that Dale would probably
came back to visit you someday
many many years later with white hair,
who knows....
I love that movie "Forever Young"
acted by Mel Gibson and (I forgot her name)
they came back together after
many many years seeing each other
with white hair and wrinkles
toward each other just like
when they were young lovers !!


Oh I don't mind answering your question.
The upside to Dale:
When I was severely depressed, and admitted to the hospital, he visited me everyday.
When my parents kicked me out, he took me in.
When I was drunk and about to go home with some stranger, he dragged me kicking and screaming to his car.
Those are just a few examples... I was a very troubled teen.. can you tell :)
He was there for me always, and for that I am thankful.

The downside to Dale:
*Needed some work on his french kissing.*wink*
*He expected his girlfriends, including myself to be the model type,
skinney,big busted, long hair etc. When we dated I felt like I was on display.
Other than that he was great.

Overall Dale was a much better friend, than boyfriend. I remember wanting to give "us" another try, but he said no, he valued our friendship more.
Shortly after, I met Ryan, my hubby who was the ultimate package, and fell in love.
Just last year I went to the bar, and bumped into Dale. We spent the whole night together catching up on each others lives. Dale told me he deeply regretted letting me go. He finally told me how much he loved me but was scared I didn't feel the same way. Dale also told me that if things didn't work out between Ryan and I, he would take me back, including my kids. It was hard hearing that.
The reason we had to end our friendship, was because of our feelings for each other and because my husband didn't trust him. I was not going to jeopardize my marriage and family for him. He had his chance.
I'm lucky to say I've had two great loves in my life. In the end I had to let one go.

Y said:
This might be a fate.
I believe in fate, thats what it meant to be....

You never know what may happen in the near future. I'm only 24 years old, and Dale is now 28.
Or perhaps, Dale needed to learn a lesson, so when he does find the right woman, he won't make the same mistake.
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Ginette said:
I'm lucky to say I've had two great loves in my life. In the end I had to let one go.

:tears: ....*blowing my nose*....What a beautiful and sad ' LOVE ' story....This is almost like Im reading out of a romance novel...Goodness, I need to buy more tissues ..Thank you so much for sharing your story Ginette ..honestly it was the best LOVE story I ever read.... :ily:
Scuba -- its short for bondage, discipline, sadism (dominance/giving pain) and masochism (submission/taking pain) -- basically rough sex with the bottom/submissive's consent and a safeword is agreed upon
Fly Free said:
Scuba -- its short for bondage, discipline, sadism (dominance/giving pain) and masochism (submission/taking pain) -- basically rough sex with the bottom/submissive's consent and a safeword is agreed upon
thanks fly free... Its embarrsed to ask :o
LOL no plm Scuba dont be embarrassed to ask :) at least u asked and if others were wondering they would also know the answer to BDSM :D
Sex is part of our experience as physical beings, can be enlightening - fun - painful and more.

You should not have sex with anyone unless you feel comfortable with that partner. You won't have good sex if you are not ready and comfortable.

The energies of sex - combined with the heightened frequencies of love and romance - can bring us to great heights as its passions motivate us in the arts, music, writing and all areas of our lives.

Some couples play 'head games' - while others get right to it and meet just for sex. This is often because they know what they want and how to satisfy each other. Compatibility is the Key! Communication before you begin is important - although some couples just blend together as if they intuitively know what will please them.Sexuality can be great with one partner or multiple partners - group sex - as long as it is what everyone wants. Never get forced into a sexual situation that makes you uncomfortable - yet you are doing it to please your partner.

How often one should have sex? How long sex should last? This varies with each person and partner. A couple can have a quickie if busy - then spend hours having sex - as time permits. In our busy world - there is often not enough and time and energy for lots of sex.
Ginette said:
I was not going to jeopardize my marriage and
family for him. He had his chance. I'm lucky to say
I've had two great loves in my life. In the end I had to let one go.

You never know what may happen in the near future.
I'm only 24 years old, and Dale is now 28.
Or perhaps, Dale needed to learn a lesson,
so when he does find the right woman,
he won't make the same mistake.

You've made a right decision not to
jeopardize your marriage for Dale anyway
Thank you for sharing such a beautiful
sad love story.. yeah i agree it seem
so interesting and romantic especially
when he's there when you were down
in the dumps. You never know what
may happen in the future. Thats why
I try to appreciate today one day
at a time with one step... Too many
people took things for granted in life.
Yeh, me and my ex girlfriend are probably friends with benefits... And yeah i agree that it can destroy your feelings... I mean right now i slept with her a week ago and she got flirty with me alot.. sexaully... and Yeah today i have been thinkin about it.. It is wrong, It can fuck me and her up... But still i do admit that i miss doing things with her lol... Life isnt always ok sometimes, Its pretty hard to drop it, but right now i am not talkin to her too much and not seeing her that much and That can make us feel better i hope... Im just not sure what to do tho lol, There are millions of girls out there tho and yah some of them are likin' me :-D so Yah to all of you guys with friends with benefits, you guys should stop right now and forget about it cuz it will mess you up in the end. Smile now and Cry later.
Yes and No. If the person makes it clear before hand, then there won't be a problem.
I don´t think "Friends with benefits" would be good idea. I beleive that sex belong to serious relationship. Most I know are upset because they thought their partners would love them after "hot sex"... Most use them for sex to pleasure themselves... They must have known that sex has absoluately nothing do with friendship & love.

Paul was my friend Pamela´s best friend for years until they feel mood to sleep each other... After that they fall out automaic because of this... They are being stranger each other now. She is regret for let him to sleep with her because his friendship is value to her. She lost her best friend because of this.
I have best friends but it doesn´t mean that I sleep with them but share everything each other.
I had a best friend named Kayla and i slept with her (no sex) because she needed someone to sleep with and Her dad did not care because he trusts me and She had a boyfriend, and the boyfriend did not care (yes i know its strange) And me and kayla are still friends (its been 4 years and still going) We dont feel bothered by that, We dont talk about it, Because we know we feel comformatle with each other, We know we dont like each other more than friends, so can that be called Friends with benefits?
Nuh huh

The whole 'friends with benefits' concept is most difentely not a good idea. You will get nothing out of it. The void that lies deep inside you won't be filled, not after meaningless sex. You will feel dirty, empty and alone. But... hey... if you have lost your diginity, then go for it! All the power to you, babe.

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