Friend sent me a video, Can you tell me what it says?


New Member
May 24, 2015
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Removed, sorry, he got a little mad when I said I posted it on a form. Sorry everyone
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People in video mentioned proxy404 need to go Sign Language class.
:roll: what was the point of your friend sending you this video?

This isn't a conversation happening between friends.
It was a clue to something or something. I'm not really sure. He knows I was interested in learning sign language but I haven't taken any classes yet. He thought I could help. I figured I could reach out and ask for help here.
this is not only asl sign language from different people on video. i only understand few people signing asl. But other i cant figure out what it say.
Why aren't you telling the truth that it is a clue in a game you are playing?
He told me it was some type of scavenger hunt thing. The clue is for one of the items they're looking for I think.
I wonder what "scavenger hunt" this is.

I only wonder as I have played and still check in on one called Invasion. But I am fairly certain that there is no video for the round currently running... :hmm:
Hello everyone, I believe Proxy404 is one of our competitors in this race actually, haha. We're from Philadelphia and our friends set up a scavenger hunt. Usually a pretty big scale thing as we've driven all over PA, NJ, and Delaware before. Yesterday we received a video as our 4th clue. I've already posted in the Sign Language & Deaf Education forum so I won't clutter up anything else. The link to that thread is below. If you'd like to help, we'd appreciate anything you can do for us!
whoever make the video for you and proxy is actually ridiculous and stupid. this video is not showing full asl. they use other country sign languages. it's combination.
whoever make the video for you and proxy is actually ridiculous and stupid. this video is not showing full asl. they use other country sign languages. it's combination.
I think that was the idea... it's like a riddle- they need to figure out what the signs say and and to do that figure out which countries the signs are from. If it were just ASL it would be a little too easy for online riddle veterans (speaking as one lol).

So... no it's not ridiculous really.
I think that was the idea... it's like a riddle- they need to figure out what the signs say and and to do that figure out which countries the signs are from. If it were just ASL it would be a little too easy for online riddle veterans (speaking as one lol).

So... no it's not ridiculous really.

well it don't seem you didn't give out the answer at all.
What is the purpose of attempting a game yet instead of doing the work to deserve the prize ask for answers instead. ...seems a winner by not earning is not one that won the prize....
I am sure they have attempted the answers.. and have tried to google for it but with this considering it's a little hard to google actual videos to identify the signs well... This clue 4 looks pretty challenging so I don't blame them for asking in deaf or interpreter spaces if anyone can assist them.

And believe me.. in all the years I've worked on riddles, I've worked with others, googled and looked up answers and I have also seen people pretty much outright give the answers/'spoilers' and they saw nothing wrong with it (I did- it ruins the riddles for others when they accidentally find the actual answer on google- done that lol). But there are times when something so stumps you- you sit on a clue or level for 3 months and just want the stinkin' answer to move on...:)
I love riddles and are fun to play with...but Google is not the answer...try opening a book try doing actual research.....try something besides answer seeking.... That is not solving a riddle that is someone else solving it for you...
To each their own. Opening a book or researching the solve method elsewhere is just about the same as doing research on google for how to do something such as perhaps how to do a Vigenere Cipher.
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I can understand that... But the thing is....if one has to be given the answer then they did not solve the riddle and do not deserve to "go to the next level"... But as you said "to each their own."

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