Friday the 13th Phobia??

Friday the 13th can't be so bad. My life was spared that day due to lucky happenstance.

At a busy service station I left plenty of room for the pickup in front of me to back up. A van behind me decided to cut in front of me. I figured to hell with that and leapfrogged in front of him. By now the pickup in front of us had to wait to pull out, they had no room.

The man in the van said the only reason he didn't blow my F'ing head off was because children were present and he did not want them to see such violence.

I figured this must really be my lucky day so I bought some lottery tickets.
My daughters b'day is nov 1st and its always after helloween and guess what we always have helloween parties ........we live in australia and this is not one of our customs what candy is left over is saved for xmas
i had fun on friday the 13th this month! nothing too terrible happened. :)