French police report shootout and explosion in Paris

ASL Version on the Terror in Paris:

Isis has conquered and holds.cities and large swatha of iraq and syria, oil refineries, it has an army that is armed. And knows how to manuever.....

The idea they cant pull of an attack against unarmed.peoplw due to poor planning skills is absurd.

Some questions

Why has no one in the west done anything substantial besides token air strikes against them? Why did the usa actually block arms diliveries to kurds so they could better fight isis, and who is isis selling its oil too?

From what I read they getting money from Saidi and selling it to commercial companies Shell BP.
Most of IS are young teenagers and the world to ransom by is said one of bombers was so called Syrian refugee signed out of Greece few weeks back another a woman.
I gather Gatwick terminal found gun and knife airport closed few hours...there are cell in many countries they think been there 4years and know one would know

Sadly you're so right , we got attacked right in my state , when the Boston bombing happen. Terrorists are known to be in Canada and that is too close for me.
There big worry for Belgium trouble in Brussels today.Belgium have a lot of troops Syria.
San Francisco City Hall:

During the Paris attacks a piece of shrapnel flew towards this man's head, but hit his phone, likely saving his life.

I am trying to remember why France was not at our side during our own 9/11?
Nuking won't work with this kind of enemy. They aren't restricted to one physical location. They are integrated into countries all over the world.
All countrues get together, Russia, Germany, France,America, England..ect...

Start droping nukes North, south, east and west then go back and fill in the crosshairs...... wont take long at all to turn it into the biggest glass factory in the book of world records.

I doubt there is an innocent person over there, its proven the refuges are turning as they relocate...its their Natural Nature/religeon, to destroy. They will never be at peace, they dont want peace... they want to kill and rule and kill some more.