frankies diagnosis

99% with Bonobos. Cool, hiuh?

Cool. I didn't know that.

Bonobos are matriarchal, too.
Wirelessly posted (droid)

Not stupid at all. Pygmy chimps.
That is miniature chimps????? Cute!!!!!

They really are. If you go to a zoo, always check out the Bonobo exhibit. I could stand there for days watching them. They will come over to the spectators and I swear, they try to communicate...and are successful sometimes.

I was at the zoo a couple of years ago, and the handler for the Bonobos was watching me watch them, and we got into a conversation. She said, "Watch this!" She hollered, "Hey Phil" and this older one in the very back raised his head up, looked her way, and then waved at her.

And no, I swear I'm not making it up!:lol:
They really are. If you go to a zoo, always check out the Bonobo exhibit. I could stand there for days watching them. They will come over to the spectators and I swear, they try to communicate...and are successful sometimes.

I was at the zoo a couple of years ago, and the handler for the Bonobos was watching me watch them, and we got into a conversation. She said, "Watch this!" She hollered, "Hey Phil" and this older one in the very back raised his head up, looked her way, and then waved at her.

And no, I swear I'm not making it up!:lol:

I never go zoo. Too sad, see animals caged up like in jail. :(
Then I guess you aren't going to see the picture.

I couldn't see the picture at all. It came up with an error.
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No problem for me. Just commenting.