Fox News rating up 10% after White House declare war on them

Is there a device that makes it accessible to the deaf though? If I can stream is through my computer, it won't make any difference if I can't hear it. I need something visual like CC.

I'm a late adopter with technology. All of my money goes to rearing my kids and there's not any money left for toys and gadgets. Not that I mind. I have an old lap top and that's good enough for me.

My kid has an ipod for listening to music and podcasts. I won it at the grocery store. He downloads songs and podcast on the internet. Kids are used to on demand entertainment.
Is there a device that makes it accessible to the deaf though? If I can stream is through my computer, it won't make any difference if I can't hear it. I need something visual like CC.

I'm a late adopter with technology. All of my money goes to rearing my kids and there's not any money left for toys and gadgets. Not that I mind. I have an old lap top and that's good enough for me.

My kid has an ipod for listening to music and podcasts. I won it at the grocery store. He downloads songs and podcast on the internet. Kids are used to on demand entertainment.
Deaf and Hard of Hearing Positive on HD Radio Captioning

this doesn't include down the road when voice recognition technology will someday replace human captioners for real time voice to text.
Um, have even thought that the radio (both AM/FM) is also broadcasted through the internet? That means your favorite radio show or listening program can be picked up through your cell phone, laptop or home bound computer? We will even see an increase of new cars that come with built in wi-fi internet connection as well and someday be a standard feature.

Here, let me help you and give you a simple example.

Stream Internet Radio to Your Cell Phone with Mundu Radio

In-Car Internet For Chrysler | Upgrade Your Lifestyle 2009 10/27

Radio isn't dead. Not by a long shot.
Exactly how does that make an auditory media available to the deaf? And this isn't traditional radio. It is an adaptation using the net. The same as newspapers have adapted by using the net.
Online talk shows have been around for a long time... they could be converted to AM/FM or vice versa. Nothing new. I used to be responsible for running a talkshow with a hearing person online back in 2000 to 2005.

Podcasts, bloggings and video blogs are the new things nowadays.
Mod note:

I've removed several posts in this thread. This will be a final warning to be given... there is no need to egg onto each other. The next time will be given a ban.

Thank you.
I hope that videos on the net are more accessible soon. It's frustrating when videos aren't captioned. I know that there's a program to add captions to You Tube videos. I haven't figured out how to set it up yet. Anyone know how?

I'd love for technology to get to a place where everything is fully accessible to deaf people. Maybe for my kids. The odds are that at least one of them will need it and maybe both.
It won't be long til voice recognition takes off and becomes an automatic feature for everything spoken. Technology will ensure that very soon.
Voice recognition won't be depended on for a long long time... maybe for private use but for public use?

The thing is that everyone will have a qurik that will make voice recognition difficult to get remotely 90% right. At least with humans, they can interpret what is meant to be said-- oppose to what the machine thinks it's the closest match.
Hmm... I heard that they are refusing FOX any intrewviews from White House and it's employees. Even Obama is not talking to them until they get rid of those Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. It is sound like a bit of unconstitutional to me, and seemingly, no one is saying anything about it. :dunno:
Voice recognition won't be depended on for a long long time... maybe for private use but for public use?

The thing is that everyone will have a qurik that will make voice recognition difficult to get remotely 90% right. At least with humans, they can interpret what is meant to be said-- oppose to what the machine thinks it's the closest match.
Which is why Artificial Intelligence is the key to this.

They've been using voice recognition technology in the battlefields of Iraq for several years. Believe me, it's coming and it'll be pervasive someday soon.

Federal Telemedicine News: Voice Recognition Used in Iraq

Speech recognition is being used everyday, most notably over the phone.

Anyhow, take your pick on the speech recognition topics in YouTube (captions only).
YouTube - "speech recognition"
Hmm... I heard that they are refusing FOX any intrewviews from White House and it's employees. Even Obama is not talking to them until they get rid of those Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. It is sound like a bit of unconstitutional to me, and seemingly, no one is saying anything about it. :dunno:

Nothing unconstitutional about it. Perfectly within their powers to do so. But when they do that, they look like a bunch of babies who can't even handle criticisms. Oh, and yeah, people are talking about this. Lots.
Let me guess... Dragon?

Oh, and programs like Vlingo on BlackBerry? Old news. I have experimented with those. They still have their shortfalls, and I know why.

They fall apart once the usual tones fall out of the spectrum: anger, panicked, distressed, whispering, overly happy and so on. All of the programs out there still require you to speak calmly and clearly.
Let me guess... Dragon?

Oh, and programs like Vlingo on BlackBerry? Old news. I have experimented with those. They still have their shortfalls, and I know why.

They fall apart once the usual tones fall out of the spectrum: anger, panicked, distressed, whispering, overly happy and so on. All of the programs out there still require you to speak calmly and clearly.

It won't be long til voice recognition takes off and becomes an automatic feature for everything spoken. Technology will ensure that very soon.

in case you didn't know - it already existed in 80's. it's already advanced enough to translate voice into text however - it's usually limited to major corporations and government. The technology is credited to Lucent Technologies.

Google Voice does offer such feature for free. :cool2:
Hmm... I heard that they are refusing FOX any intrewviews from White House and it's employees. Even Obama is not talking to them until they get rid of those Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, and Bill O'Reilly. It is sound like a bit of unconstitutional to me, and seemingly, no one is saying anything about it. :dunno:

Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity and Bill O'Reilly are VERY patriotic people. They support Constitution and Republic of our country.
Are we witnessing a bunch of over-zealous and jealous people concerning Fox news? Just how petty is Obama now? I might expect it from a child throwing tantrums but the president of the U.S.? Utterly surreal. Second in line was when Soviet Premier Khrushcev threw a temper tantrum when denied to visit Disneyland but that was 50 years ago.
Ha ha ha.....pull things out of mid-air to discredit Limbaugh??????...ahh what was that story this week about Limbaugh using someone's comedy sketch and trying to pass it off as real?????
pathetic....and talk about spin.....trying to label others as same type of person the liar limbaugh is. smh pathetic attempt.
Kind of like when CNN went after the Saturday Night Live comedy skit about Obama who accomplished nothing in their attempt at "fact checking"? I'd say that's desperation to cover Obama at all costs. Nice waterboys they are.