meant Deaf res schools. Not res schools in general.
I think if you'd been sent to a Deaf res school, you might have had a better experiance then you did in that place. UGH. It doesn't even sound like anyone really benifited from that sort of place.
I wasn't even aware that they still had "orphanages" .....I thought they'd been phased out in favor of either group homes or foster families.
I don't want to totally condemn res schools in general . I do think the gross majority of kids can and do significently benifit from being in a traditional academic placement. But, I do think that some kids would be better served away from home. Like for example some kids with severe and profound (as well as those small number of kids who are so profoundly MR they are in a persistant vegatative state) MR might be better served in a residental sitution.You know......not everyone has the resources to go private when it comes to residental placement. And besides....what about places like Boys Town (which are basicly res schools?) Places like those are idealized......