If you are a foster parent or former/current foster kid what do you think of the system?
How does the system address your needs if at all.
This is a pretty sensitive subject for me but I think this is important that people be aware that this type of situation does happen.
As a former foster child who is also Deaf, I can tell you that the system is just really terrible and a lot of changes needs to be done to improve the system. When your parents decides they no longer wants you and gives you up to the state (as was my case) or you are in a situation that warrants the state taking you away from your parents and if you are Deaf or a special needs child, the state usually dumps you at an orphanage-type foster placement and leaves you there for really long periods of times with no accessibility and a lot of isolation (being at an "orphanage" usually means you don't have much access to the outside world beyond the placement), and when you request an interpreter for during the day for the school at the placement, they deny you one every single time. This actually happened to me, I was at that placement for three years, I kept asking for an interpreter for during the day in class at that placement, and I was always denied. Due to being in the foster care system I was automatically provided with a "foster care lawyer" when I first entered the system at age 13, so in the end I took the place to court, and the judge ordered the place to hire an interpreter for me, unfortunately, that was near the end of my stay at the placement, so going to court probably was a waste of time as I was only there for a few more months with the interpreter, it would have been better to send me to an appropriate foster family who knew ASL and/or are Deaf in the first place, or even a hearing foster family with no ASL instead of an "orphanage", but I was real tired of no communication and being completely isolated so I was glad to have an interpreter. Also, foster families that knows ASL or are Deaf are very very very few and very far in between, even here in the USA. Shortly after that, I was sent to a foster family where the foster dad (who passed away a few years ago) was Deaf and so was 2 of their 5 children. I didn't stay there for very long, as my needs had changed (needing to be in a larger city with more accessibility as I was nearing the age of 18 and nearing the need to learn independent living skills, etc) and so I somehow got lucky and within a few weeks after moving to a different placement they found another family where one of the parents is Deaf, and I went there, I simply got lucky because my social worker just happened to meet the Deaf foster mother while registering me to enroll at the local public school when I moved to the new (and nicer)placement, and it turned out the Deaf parent had known me as a young child and was my late mother's friend and she knew what I had been through and wanted to seize the opportunity to take me in, so she offered to take me in, however, it took several weeks for the state to license her so that she could legally take me in. But between those placements I was in a whole series of really terrible foster homes where no one signed, and in one foster home, both the parents were from Norway or something and spoke NO English so it was even impossible to even use paper and pen as I knew no Norwegian or whatever language they were speaking.
95% or more of the time the foster system just does not address your needs as a Deaf child and finds it is a pain in the ass to even try to, so they just dump you in an "orphanage" type of place and forget about you until you turn 18 and then kick you out, or earlier if you get lucky and get a social worker or an advocate who actually cares. I went through maybe 10 social workers in the 5 years I was in the system. Only one social worker actually cared and actually advocated, the rest either did not care or told me I was being "unreasonable" when I asked to be sent to live with my older cousin and her husband in Hawaii who actually knows ASL and had a very stable environment and was old enough to be my parents and who would be willing to pay ANY and ALL of my expenses of moving to Hawaii and even any foster care - related expenses plus her husband at the time was in the Navy so all living expenses and even a lot of other things would be taken care of and the state wouldn't most likely have to pay for anything anymore (My cousin actually told me she would take me in for sure if they would let her - she actually fought with the social workers, the state, and the court system to get them to send me to her but everyone refused - simply because it was "out of state"). The social worker who actually cared was the LAST social worker I had, and the only one who actually did the dirty work to get me out of that orphanage-type place and to place me in an more appropriate foster home - and ever since I have been more than thankful and grateful for her. When I was in the orphanage-type placement I felt extremely isolated as it was in a small town and the entire three years I was there I never met another Deaf person ever, and all the staff only knew some minimal fingerspelling, and 99% of communication was done with a paper and a pen. And the environment there was hectic and toxic and absolutely no peace nor stability there. I could write a book about all kinds of shit that I witnessed there. There were about 40 children there between the age of 6 and 18. Most of the staff there are only there for the wages. The quality of the education at the school at the placement was really inappropriate - 13 years old doing the schoolwork meant for a first grader. The schoolwork was such a joke that I simply refused to do anything in class as I felt it was a waste of my time (why do 2+2=4 when I could do way better than that as a 13 years old?) and simply buried myself in all the novels I could get my hands on during all my waking hours just to escape the reality of the toxic environment there. At that age, I would be better off reading age-appropriate novels than to do schoolwork meant for a 6 years old, as I was already doing schoolwork meant for a 9th grader before I entered the foster care system, anyway. Some of the children there had severe behavioral problems (not all of the children there do, but the social workers are often overloaded with too many children on their caseloads and not enough time and half the time the social workers just does not care and will dump them at orphanage-types of placements just so they don't have to think about them and dump their responsibilities onto the staff at such placements) so I often would witness some of them having very physical explosions or attacking staff and other children and the scary subsequent interventions by the staff there and it gets very scary at times, and was painful to watch. Sometimes the interventions were unnecessary, like for when a child was cussing, or rolling his/her eyes. The staff do it because they enjoy how it feels to have all the power (I saw that in their faces). Some of the other children also had developmental disabilities and they had been there at the placement since they were small and would actually stay there until they reached 18 (often 10+ years or more - I saw a 16 years old girl there who had been there since she was 6) and then automatically be moved to state institutions for the rest of their lives once they reach 18 years old - nothing is done to help them learn skills so that they could learn to function in the outside world and to teach them to socialize. The rest were mostly foster children with no special needs at all but the state just doesn't have anywhere to put them as there are not enough appropriate foster homes to go around and the state also doesn't care so the state just dumps them at the placement and they forget about them for years and years. At the placement, nothing is done to help the children with behavioral problems or to help the children with developmental disabilities, and they also don't do anything to challenge the children without special needs (education-wise) or to even teach them independent living skills for when they turn 18 and gets kicked out of the system and the social workers do not even attempt to search for more appropriate foster homes for the non-special needs children in the meantime, they just give up on all the children, it is a permanent placement, and there is not very much to do there at the placement that can make productive time of the children being there (activities, physical age or mental age-appropriate education, living skills, exercise, etc...). The quality of life at the placement is just terrible - as a foster child you just have to bide your time there until you reach 18 years old, and there is NO freedom, and plenty of boredom and a lot of unnecessary havoc. The staff there just sit there and gossip among themselves and completely ignore all the children until something happens and then they jump up and intervene, but once an episode is over they go back and gossip amongst themselves and all the children are pretty much ignored. There was a lot of neglect going on. Turnover among the staff being hired there is very high, I have almost never saw a staff last a month there, some staff often quit when they realize how toxic the environment is, or they realize that they can't do anything about the neglect or the abuse going on and have ethical issues about it, or sometimes because they end up getting injured while intervening, or because they have found a better job, or any other number of reasons. Many of the staff were quite abusive, verbally, physically, and sexually, to the children there. Children have absolutely NO protection nor any advocates there. There is hardly any positive interaction between the children and the staff there, any interactions are usually negative ones, such as when a child flies off the handle for whatever reason and the staff intervenes, or the staff decides to pick on one of the children, or actually goad other children into harming or teasing one child in particular. Some of the children sometimes hurt other children or do things to them, like this girl, she was about 17 at the time, she stuffed my roommate, who was then 14, into a locker (I wasn't in my room at that time) and then locked her in there. When the placement realized my roommate was missing, there was a widespread panic amongst the staff, and they searched everywhere for her, thinking she had run away. They eventually found her in the locker after about an hour. I didn't realize she was in the locker until the panic had ensued as I was not in the room at the time when the 17 year old did this (being Deaf I relied on reading the body language and actions of other people to understand what is going on around me) and afterwards one of the teenagers explained to me why there was such a panic. And oftentimes I would witness this same 17 years old girl jumping other girls for absolutely no reason, she just enjoyed hurting others to feel powerful, and this was frightening at times. To this day I still have nightmares about that place. Also, there was hardly any opportunities to socialize as about 75% of the children there either had such severe behavioral issues that I was afraid to go near them (I remember a girl who would harm anyone within arm's length at every opportunity just simply because she enjoyed doing that) or they had developmental disabilities, so there were very few teenagers my age who I could socialize with on my age level. To this day I wish that the state would shut that place down forever, as it was detrimental to all children's quality of lives there, and there was so much abuse and neglect there. I remember one staff member there that would "discipline" any children even for the most minor infractions, even for rolling your eyes, or even for nothing. I was very frightened of him, the way he disciplined was VERY physically abusive, and I did not want him anywhere near me so I hid in my room during the shifts that he worked, to avoid making even the simplest infractions in front of him that would result in his abuse. He used to work at a juvenile detention center, and he was in the Army, but the place I was in was just a simple "orphanage" type of place therefore his actions were very unnecessary - his actions were to intentionally harm the children, not to intervene. He got away with everything he did, he never ever was fired. I could tell he loved having all the power, judging by the way he looked and his actions, I believe he was a sadist or something like that. The day I was moved to a new foster home I was so glad, I didn't like being scared shitless 24/7.
So, all in all, if you are a Deaf foster child, you are pretty much fucked until you reach age 18. The state just doesn't care.
I am now 28 years old and it has been 10 years since I have left the foster care system, and I love every minute of my independence, and am extremely grateful for each day I have where I do not have to witness such atrocious situations or be part of such situations. I appreciate having an apartment of my own in which I know I will be safe, where no one can harm me, having a safe space of my own, an environment of which I can control what happens (such as I can kick someone who I feel is not safe out). Due to my experiences in the foster care system, I find that having a "safe space" is pretty important to me as I can control what happens in my own apartment. Feeling safe is a very important thing for me, I get very anxious if I am aware of an unsafe situation. If I am at a mall or on the bus or some other place and I see a parent yelling at a child, I get nervous and hope that the parent isn't going to hit the child. I don't like fighting, and do not like witnessing arguments or fights. If I see a fight or an argument about to occur, I leave the situation because those situations make me feel not safe. If someone hits me, I end the friendship with that person immediately. I will not deal with people who are physically or mentally abusive towards others. I know it sounds childish, but I avoid abusive situations and "unsafe" situations at all costs. That's what living in such a toxic environment as a foster child for three years can do to you.
Seriously, the foster care system needs a complete overhaul and revamp. Big time. But it would cost a very large amount of time and there are simply not enough people who are properly trained to do this. The foster care system is very broken. I would not be satisfied with just simple small fixes here and there - we need to throw pretty much everything out and start all over again with new ideas and many changes implemented and a serious revamp of the ethics among social workers and foster care parents and workers. They need to get creative and there needs to be better rules and regulations and requirements. Yes, I do agree that many foster care parents and foster care workers and social workers are overworked and underpaid, but there are also foster parents and foster care workers and social workers that either don't care or have given up after working in such a broken system for so long, that they have become apathetic. Also, there is a very high rate of burnout in the social worker field as well, which is another reason why the system is so broken. There is a hell of a lot I have to say on the broken foster care system, that it would turn into novel.
It's almost 7 am and I really need to go to bed, I'm starting to get a headache. I'll be back later.