Maybe this will help...
Yes, he did get away with this for much of his life, especially during the most prime, productive time of his life. Yes, he ought to have been caught during that time, when the fall from life to prison would have been the hardest. At his age, he's already transitioned to living the life of hanging on. What is the difference between hanging on at home or in a prison? He can't go outside much anyway. He's already imprisoned in a frail body holding all the tension from the trial and past deeds.
BUT, it is my belief that even if he was never caught, because of his karma, he HAS to come back to another life in order to face what he did and work through it. It may be several more lives than just another one, depending on his progress of his spiritual development.
It is often asked, "Why do bad people do well in life, and good people suffer?" It is viewed such that the bad people might have been good in a previous life, and the karma that is manifested later in life or even in several lifetimes forward comes to fruition, independently of actions that are currently happening, which will accrue to fruition at a time in the future. The good people might have bad karma coming to fruition NOW, karma that was accrued in the past or a past life. Even though they learned to be good in this lifetime, the karma that is still there has to come to fruition. The trick is to stop doing wrong so that as little as possible of the bad karma comes to fruition, so that you can resolve them in a single life and get it together for release from life on earth altogether.
Although I'm a good person, I feel as though there are some life issues from the past such that I never dated for very long, I never had and raised a family, my career life is shot, and at times my life seems to be a train of mistakes. Evidently, I'm paying for something.
It's like you have an oscillating pattern where you have two strands; your life, and the karma you have. In one life, you're suffering even though you're doing good as a person, then in another life, your life in general is "okay," nothing spectacular, and you do mundane things, not really interesting, a time when your life and your karma meet in the middle, just for a time, before it diverges to opposite extremes in another life, where everything seems to go well even though you've killed people, robbed banks, massacred people in a religious war, and then the extremes start to come back to the middle, then your life doesn't go quite as well even though in the next life, you're a good person, and the karma from the crimes of the previous life starts to crop up again and get you in trouble. A constantly weaving pattern. When you figure this out, you can them stop weaving your behavior from good to bad and back, and eventually, your karma fruition goes out to the bad manifestations once more and starts coming back again towards the middle, and finally towards good karma. Finally, your life and karma are on the same side of the spectrum, and you keep it there.
I'm sorry if I didn't make sense, but it's from years and years of working with this perspective. It is the ONLY thing that explains to me why good people suffer, and bad people get away with everything before they are finally caught. Today in this world is a perfect example of that.