Forgot to wear HA's to work...


Oct 14, 2012
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Here's an odd thing...

I was driving to work this morning, when I'd realised I'd forgotted my HA's. I was already halfway, and didn't want to turn back and get them, otherwise I'd end up being late. Oh well I thought, one day aint going to matter. My deafness is Moderate/Severe on the right ear and Mild/Moderate on the left so communicating at work isn't usually a problem as long as people speak up.
So, arrived at work, clocked in, and went to see the Boss to tell him I'd forgotton my "ears" so he'd have to speak up a bit.\
Didn't get the chance. "Morning Tom" he says "Jump on the Forklift and unload that truck, after that can you finish off these orders, some of the lads have called in sick" Yesterday, being thursday and ANZAC day over here was a holiday, so people take the chance to have a long weekend.
So I got on the Forklift and went about my duties...
Here's the thing. Normally I have to turn my HA's right down when I'm on the Forklift, cos it's a Gas truck and quite noisy, so I get alot of feedback even when the HA's are nearly off - I work at a steel fabricators so the constant clash of steel upon steel is very jarring (I've been known to turn them off at work just for the peace and quiet - it's a very noisy area for HA wearers!)
and after a while I didn't even notice I wasn't wearing them, was talking normally with people no problem.
This got me thinking that I've never really gotten used to wearing HA's yet - I've had them for 3 months now. And to be honest not wearing them for a day at work was a bit of a relief - not having to constantly turn them up or down (or off!) and dry them off every few hours (hot out there in the sun!)
Maybe i'm just looking for a reason NOT to wear them - I know, medically I have to wear them - I mean my hearing aint ever going to get any better...
How long should it take me to get used to wearing them?
You can only get "used to wearing your Hearing aid" by actually wearing them all the time. excluding sleeping etc.
This advice given to me by Canadian Hearing Society/Toronto in their course: Dealing/coping with YOUR Hearing loss.
I still use it now-with my Cochlear Implant
Of course in that environment everyone shouts so you can hear them. If you're in a restaurant for lunch or something though, you might have issues :)
You sleep in them? I don't I can only take audio stimulation so much before I just want to scream .. too much for me. I don't hear anything unless its blaring .I worked in Sephora. The music was so loud and it just was impossible. I went once without my aids and I about cried because people expect so much .. they see the HA and immediately figure you hear everything now.
You need to wear them all the time....that's kind of how it works. You may not notice right away at work, but I guaranty you, over time, you'll find many more instances when you missed things or can't follow the conversation or miss the sounds you were hearing with them and you'll regret not having them in. You're right, it is called looking for an excuse not to wear them and my father has several that sound along those lines. But there are days when he tells me he went to visit someone and had a hard time hearing him talk with the TV on...and the sad part, is I know he'd get a lot of use of them if he only wore them. But his story is different; as a veteran, he has Starkey which are crap so I don't blame him. I am pushing him back to the VA for Phonak when he can buy again.

Give it time...BTW, one of the advantages of HA you don't mention is turning off the loud noise so you don't have to hear it mine for that.

I know someone who went deaf at 50+ years old. She could not get used to them for anything. She wound up taking them off because she said her nerves were fried.
To do coordinated work with people, especially heavy lifting, can be very dangerous. The problem is, hearing people don't realize that deaf people can't hear a simple, "move out of the way" or "move this way" when you are both working with something heavy. Even when you tell people before hand, they don't always get it. It can lead to arguments.

I don't move furniture with people. I move it myself.
Well, you're right folks. I figure I wear them for 10-12hrs a day (the time when I'm at work - yeah, I like doing the overtime :) ) plus when I watch TV.
I do wear them when I'm out and about though - but it is a relief to take them off.

I suppose as my hearing worsens, I'll find myself wearing them more and more often, but I guess I'm still a little self-counscious about wearing them in public (why,I dunno..... I don't think many people notice, and of those few probably even less care )
Well, you're right folks. I figure I wear them for 10-12hrs a day (the time when I'm at work - yeah, I like doing the overtime :) ) plus when I watch TV.
I do wear them when I'm out and about though - but it is a relief to take them off.

I suppose as my hearing worsens, I'll find myself wearing them more and more often, but I guess I'm still a little self-counscious about wearing them in public (why,I dunno..... I don't think many people notice, and of those few probably even less care )

I find the only time people notice is when you don't hear. No one walks up to you and looks in your ears, and frankly, no one cares...just you. Hearing aids are no different from eye glasses. You need them, use them...

Incidently, I can recall times not moving out of the way of someone carrying something heavy - just couldn't that was embarassing....
I'm sort of the opposite. Ive had HA since 6 and its been the past few years, since 25 or so, that I've been using them less and less outside of work. Aside from stretching out my battery life from one week to about two, I've cone to really enjoy the quiet time, whether I'm eating a quick bite or spending a few hours on a park trail. But work, since Im in Customer service/retail, is non-negotiable.

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