Ford adding WiFi in cars soon.


Active Member
Nov 12, 2006
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It seem that Ford will be adding WiFi in cars soon and that there is no cost for it.

It will be using 4G network.

Chevolet doing it now on 3G network but charging 29 dollar a month for it.

Here the link

Ford brings Wi-Fi to the highway -

If so, i will buy a Ford cuz I have a netbook!
here's a way not to add $29 to your bills - just tether your cellphone to your netbook :) (only for Spring/T-mobile)
*waiting for you-know-who to throw a hissy fit at this* :o
Jiro, you don't have 3G on your BB so sucks to be struck with slow EDGE.
But what about as passenger? :mad2:

read FML book :lol:

For driver so no way but just for passengers.

I just think it will not work.. I foresee more people crashing their cars because they have Wi Fi...

Texting while driving for instance.. Drivers are not suppose to do text while driving, but they still do. So what make you think that the driver will not attempt to use the net while driving???

I just think it will not work.. I foresee more people crashing their cars because they have Wi Fi...

Texting while driving for instance.. Drivers are not suppose to do text while driving, but they still do. So what make you think that the driver will not attempt to use the net while driving???


passengers use the laptop over Wifi while long trips, but Drivers can't use laptop until the driver will take some rest stop and check e-mail or traffic updates etc and shutdown the laptop before get back to the highway.
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (Danger hiptop 3.1; U; rv:1.7.12) Gecko/20050920)

Now that would be handy to use when out of network range for cellphones like sidekicks, blackberry and other cellphones (if got wifi added to cellphones) to use wifi in ford car.

I would guess if ford car would have extra antenna to pick up network signal out of range to be able to use wifi to go online.