Forced out

That sucks. I'm really sorry your university treated you like that.

I'm not going to school this semester because my school "lost" my documentation twice and can't give me accommodations without the documentation (that they lost, twice).

Code for "we don't have any accommodations/are too lazy to make them happen." :roll:
weeks before? it's usually nice to do it at least 2-3 months beforehand because they have to find qualified people for you and to secure funding for it.

Your fault? I don't know but I guess we'll see as the story unravel

It was all arranged and I got funding for it. I did file the request months before but I only hear from them 3-4 weeks before I started probably.

EDIT: Oh, and I got an email saying "we have had an influx of notetakers for you" but they never turned up :|

btw - what kind of accommodation were you asking for? terp?

Just notetaking support, and they tried to provide it but failed as you'll read up there ^ and then couldn't resolve the resulting mess.

Isn't this another case of enforcement of existing ADA laws? Don't get me wrong because it sucks that this type of thing happens. But in my view doing nothing about it is only contributing to the problem.

Department of Justice ADA Enforcement

Sometimes the mere threat of action gets things moving.

I wouldn't be covered under the ADA, not being American after all. I do plan to take action but not immediately as I explained.
What a shame.

It is a perfect example of how hearing people can be so ignorant of Deaf people's needs. It is really simple..listen to the deaf person because the deaf person knows what they need. Hearing people do not know and do not need to make the decisions.

In my opinion, I think hearing peole who dont have any understanding of deafness have no business being in fields working with deaf people.

'scuse the double post.

The sad thing is there is 5 or 6 people labelled as "disability support" who didn't seem to have a clue what they were doing. I hope they don't get payed extra for that!

That sucks. I'm really sorry your university treated you like that.

I'm not going to school this semester because my school "lost" my documentation twice and can't give me accommodations without the documentation (that they lost, twice).

Code for "we don't have any accommodations/are too lazy to make them happen." :roll:

I guess "losing" the documentation is easier than dealing with it :shock: that sucks.
That sucks. I'm really sorry your university treated you like that.

I'm not going to school this semester because my school "lost" my documentation twice and can't give me accommodations without the documentation (that they lost, twice).

Code for "we don't have any accommodations/are too lazy to make them happen." :roll:

I hope you have copies of document for yourself in case this happens again.

Office: I'm sorry but I lost your documentation
You: no problem. got a fax number?

I hope you have copies of document for yourself in case this happens again.

Office: I'm sorry but I lost your documentation
You: no problem. got a fax number?


That's exactly what I'm doing. :D Then they might have to actually, like, I dunno, do their job. :laugh2:
I imagine it's more common in America? May be a long way to travel to attend University next year :P

more common in America? no I mean - I don't have a problem like yours in America. Most of us don't.
Our universities don't start until August because the government doesn't pay the teachers... =/
because they're not working. that's why lot of teachers have 2nd job during off-season. mine was a waitress :naughty:

I kinda figured that, having been in education for over 35 years but this is Peru so I thought I'd ask........:D
I kinda figured that, having been in education for over 35 years but this is Peru so I thought I'd ask........:D

oh yea. you're right. I am brain/coffee-starved. :dizzy:

eating now....
no no that's not what I'm asking. I'm asking if you have notified your school in advance that you needed an accommodation. I've been to 7 colleges in 4 different states - all of them have a very few or no deaf students and I've never had a problem like this.

I'm very sorry to hear about your situation but forgive me - I think there's something along the line that it may be your fault too.

I think his problem is that he have CI. People tend to have a different outlook toward CI. To me, that's discrimination for them to believe he doesn't need accommodations just because he have a CI. (remember, people tend to think it is a cure)
because they're not working. that's why lot of teachers have 2nd job during off-season. mine was a waitress :naughty:

Not really, they should be working! When they work, the government doesn't pay them, so they make a big strike and we -students- can't go to the university because the teachers close the uni... it's a big deal!
because they're not working. that's why lot of teachers have 2nd job during off-season. mine was a waitress :naughty:
Don't universities conduct summer semesters? Most of the colleges in my area have spring, Maymester, summer I, summer II, and fall semesters.