For the second nights a row


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Jan 25, 2010
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My Great Dane Obie.... He's funny sometime and he's very smart. I have been giving him a pill each day to keep his hip and joint healthy, the most common problem with Great Dane is Hip Dysplasia. So, to have early start with the medication will help keep his hip healthy. So, just imagine giving him a gallon of food and tiny pill and look at what he left behind.... sigh.... Now I have to do it the other way.. by smashing up the pill.


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Did you put it in middle of food? I never had that problem with my rottweiler. Maybe you would need to talk to him and tell him that he cannot ignore those pills.
Smart boy! How about putting it in a hotdog pocket and watching like an eagle to make sure he doesn't spit it out?
My Great Dane Obie.... He's funny sometime and he's very smart. I have been giving him a pill each day to keep his hip and joint healthy, the most common problem with Great Dane is Hip Dysplasia. So, to have early start with the medication will help keep his hip healthy. So, just imagine giving him a gallon of food and tiny pill and look at what he left behind.... sigh.... Now I have to do it the other way.. by smashing up the pill.

lol it's too obvious. he can smell that pill from miles away. just cover it with peanut butter or something.

or... just open his mouth and put it in back of his mouth and hold it shut till he swallows it. but then.... if he didn't like that... and he's a great Dane.... I fear for your safety :)
Did you put it in middle of food? I never had that problem with my rottweiler. Maybe you would need to talk to him and tell him that he cannot ignore those pills.

Yes, in the middle, embedded deep in the food. Umm.. why don't you try talk to this nearly 200 lbs dog... he can be a meanie sometime..
lol it's too obvious. he can smell that pill from miles away. just cover it with peanut butter or something.

or... just open his mouth and put it in back of his mouth and hold it shut till he swallows it. but then.... if he didn't like that... and he's a great Dane.... I fear for your safety :)

Eh? Just imagine try to open White Shark's mouth... would you be wiling to put your hand in there?
:eek3:...200 lbs...crush the pill up intp his food, mix it well....I would not dare to try to put it down his throat :giggle:...might swallow ur hand and arm.....

Luckily, my doggie is 10-11 lbs., and takes Comfortis once a month...the first 2-3 tries, she spit it out and ran...but finally, she's relented and I make sure it's down her little throat and not hiding behind her tongue.
Actually, I have lot of experiences with Great Dane, it's my fourth generation with this type of dog.... but this one...Obie..he's a pussy.... Sometime I shoved the pill in the mouth but he knew this is coming... he shut his mouth tight...refused to open.... or if I stuff it in the hot dog...he sniffed very carefully.... and he'll say..'Poo'ey!!" So, the only way to do it by smashing it up with medicine grinder... into a fine power... then he'll be sucker... I'll tell him... take it or leave it.
Eh? Just imagine try to open White Shark's mouth... would you be wiling to put your hand in there?

lol you don't put your hand into the mouth. :lol:

you just "chuck" it there at back of his tongue and close his mouth. he'll have a gag reflex to swallow it
With my dog I have to put the pill in his mouth and hold his mouth shut until he swallows it, nothing would fool him. He isn't a big dog though. He's small and fluffy. I had a german shepherd mix before and had to do the same thing to get her to take her pill, after a few times of doing that and quickly giving her a treat when she did swallow it, she began to understand that one way or another she would take the pill, and when she did she was rewarded so she started to just take the dang thing.
If the powder thing works, more power to ya, but I fear you may end up having to wrestle the pill into his mouth and reward him for swallowing it when he does.
Did you put it in middle of food? I never had that problem with my rottweiler. Maybe you would need to talk to him and tell him that he cannot ignore those pills.
A lot of dogs are actually quite good when it comes to eating a whole bowl of food except for the pill that was hidden in there. My parents had that same problem with their dogs. Every time my parents tried hiding the pills in the bowl of food, the dogs always managed to eat through the whole bowl except for the pills.

What my parents ended up doing was force the pills down their throats. First, open the dog's mouth... then put the pill deep down their throat... then close its mouth. The only way to breathe is to swallow. When they swallow, they usually lick their mouth/nose with their tongue. You can blow their nose to make them swallow quicker.
My dog does the exact same thing. Get a slice of cheese and wrap the pill in the cheese. Then feed your dog, and he/she will try to spit it back out but you have to close its jaws when it tries.
you can buy syringe type thing and squit it down his throat ask vet
I had to pill my youngest Rottie after her double eye surgery and she is one who is much more wary about handling and really got concerned about anything around her face because we also had to put drops in her eyes several times a day. Originally after the surgery I tried hiding the pills in hot dogs and other types of food and she'd just do what the OP's dog did. The surgery was un-expected so I hadn't worked extensively on handling in those areas to counter-condition. Instead of fighting with her on the pilling or making her more worried about that and then also making the conditioning to handling process more difficult, on the suggestion of a vet behaviorist I know, what I did was make a game and put little balls of pill -filled cheese on the floor in a row, had her wait til I released her and then told her "get it" in an excited way. I used some sliced natural cheddar cheese that had whole milk in it and was especially smushy so it could really wrap around the pills. She loved her game and just ran right down the little row eating it