For the cigarette smokers and non-smokers too !!! Pass onto your family !!!!!

Oh dear, this is disrespectful. They should show their respect on signal where they should not smoke.

In South Africa the other problem is that the fine is so pathetic, so they would rather smoke and have fun and pay a pathetic fine than not smoke at all!!

No, non-smokers can´t do anything to sue smokers and the smokers also can´t do anything to sue tabacco companies because they knows the health of tabacco...

Non-smokers should do something is keep away from smokers or whatever...but they choose to near smokers... as the same as the smokers as well.. .The smokers aware about health but they choose to smoke...

It's actually been done in the U.S., and I believe, successfully. However, I wouldn't do that.

I firmly believe in an individual's right to smoke. If they are an adult, they have the right to light up.
I firmly believe in an individual's right to smoke. If they are an adult, they have the right to light up.

Yeah, they have the right to poison their children in their cars with windows all rolled up while they light one up. It's not really giving the children an opportunity to get away from a smoker. It's more than just individual's right. The only reason why tobacco is still legal is because the government profit from it.

Smokers who are parents... I don't care what they have to tell me. I believe children's health and welfare are far more important than the parents' cravings for a cigarette. Period.
Yeah, they have the right to poison their children in their cars with windows all rolled up while they light one up. It's not really giving the children an opportunity to get away from a smoker. It's more than just individual's right. The only reason why tobacco is still legal is because the government profit from it.

Smokers who are parents... I don't care what they have to tell me. I believe children's health and welfare are far more important than the parents' cravings for a cigarette. Period.


Banjo, I agree.. But, listen... Militant atitudes on smoking doesn't solve anything. All that does is make the smoker angry. You're right, though, about parents who smoke. That is a tough one. I am a child of former smokers. I also have sinus issues that probably were aggravated by the cig smoke I was exposed to as a child. However, the bottom line to this is, you can get angry all you want to about it. You're not going to change the person's behavior. It's up to person to want to stop smoking.

Banjo, I agree.. But, listen... Militant atitudes on smoking doesn't solve anything. All that does is make the smoker angry. You're right, though, about parents who smoke. That is a tough one. I am a child of former smokers. I also have sinus issues that probably were aggravated by the cig smoke I was exposed to as a child. However, the bottom line to this is, you can get angry all you want to about it. You're not going to change the person's behavior. It's up to person to want to stop smoking.

The only way to stop it is to ban it. Then they can start arresting people for smuggling or buying it through black market. I don't believe in supporting drug habits. That goes for alcohol beverages, heck they were once banned.

Whoever complains about their rights to smoke... are frickin' pathetic and selfish. They complain to serve themselves.

Screw them.
LOL, there's nothing new about this, I don't care what names you call us, you have a right for an opinion but you do not have a right to judge us...
LOL, there's nothing new about this, I don't care what names you call us, you have a right for an opinion but you do not have a right to judge us...

I agree. I said this earlier in the thread somewhere, but I'll repeat it. I believe in common curteousy. Some people are rude, and those are the one's who should be shot on sight! But, for the most part, people are reasonable. If you ask someone in a reasonable way to please take their cig elsewhere, they will do so. Also, if a nonsmoker is allergic to smoke (like I am), it's their responsiblity to not be around it. '

I don't know what the laws are like in Canada, but here in a America, our society is largely smoke free. You can't smoke in most public places. I feel this is reasonable. But, banning smoking is going too far. What's next? Chewing gum?
Well Thank you Oceanbreeze :), I really do appreciate your honestly response and I do agree with you ..I know that there are some smokers who have no respect to those who are allergic to smokes, while I'm here I can not speak for every smokers out there but only for myself, Banjo is right about being selifish when smoking in the car while children are in it, I'm guilty of doing so, but I'm not a bad mother I do love my children very much, and I am going to quit not cause of what people are saying about smokers, or what names they're calling us, but it's because my oldest son beg and asked me to quit cause he worried about my health, at the same time I'm worry about theirs as well too, I know I'm not perfect, I made many mistakes in my life, but hey I'm just like the rest of you people here, and since smoking is an addiction, it can make it very hard to quit, but not impossible, I know there are some people that have already quit the cold turkey and still doing good which I'm very impressed and proud of them too, cause quitting smoking can makes a difference by being able to live longer by seeing our children growing up and being around with the people we love the most, but I do have my weakness in me and I'm sure everyone here has their own weakness as well too but If anyone can quit then I can too if I keep trying harder instead of giving up....I do agree that banning things isn't going to solved anything, cause there always something else they will complain about next....

That's all I wanted to say, and I would very much appreciate that none of you would attack me for what I've said here....Thank you for listening :)
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my late grandfather been longtime smoking and he got first time heart attack in 1975 they later he died in 1976 dues of heart attack but he would quit that smoking but its too late for that.

im been smoking for 6 years and its my decide to quit smoking because of my lung surgery 13 years ago in 1993 dues of my birth defects to remove for that.

my cousin and my family also smoking but tried to quit hard time for that.

my mom dont smoking because she cant breathe dues of my late Grandfather's smoking.
Well Thank you Oceanbreeze :), I really do appreciate your honestly response and I do agree with you ..I know that there are some smokers who have no respect to those who are allergic to smokes, while I'm here I can not speak for every smokers out there but only for myself, Banjo is right about being selifish when smoking in the car while children are in it, I'm guilty of doing so, but I'm not a bad mother I do love my children very much, and I am going to quit not cause of what people are saying about smokers, or what names they're calling us, but it's because my oldest son beg and asked me to quit cause he worried about my health, at the same time I'm worry about theirs as well too, I know I'm not perfect, I made many mistakes in my life, but hey I'm just like the rest of you people here, and since smoking is an addiction, it can make it very hard to quit, but not impossible, I know there are some people that have already quit the cold turkey and still doing good which I'm very impressed and proud of them too, cause quitting smoking can makes a difference by being able to live longer by seeing our children growing up and being around with the people we love the most, but I do have my weakness in me and I'm sure everyone here has their own weakness as well too but If anyone can quit then I can too if I keep trying harder instead of giving up....I do agree that banning things isn't going to solved anything, cause there always something else they will complain about next....

That's all I wanted to say, and I would very much appreciate that none of you would attack me for what I've said here....Thank you for listening :)

I'm not going to attack you for smoking. I'll be honest, though. I think smoking is a dumb thing to do. I do, but I know that doesn't solve the problem. My sister started smoking when she was in her thirties. YES, in her thirties. My Dad rails on her constantly for it. And, why? It doesn't solve anything. She rolls her eyes, but still lights up.

I do agree with Banjo to a point, though. Smoking around kids is not a good thing to do. My sister smokes, but doesn't do so around the kids. It's not an easy solve. However, I think we're too quick to ban things in this country. We're too quick to throw a round lawsuits. Could we sue the tobacco companies? Yes, but what would that do? Should I sue you for my asthma (hypothetical here..I don't have asthma). When does it stop? You can't just ban something simply because you don't like it.
Well look at this way, if it wasn't for the tobacco company selling cigarettes or cigars then no one would have smokes in the first place and since the nicotine reaches a smoker's brain more quickly, the bigger the drug rush and the more likely the smoker will come back for more and then they become addict to it and for all those years cigarette manufacturers insisted their product were safe and more people start buying cigarettes until alot of smokers and non-smokers had serious illness health problem from smoking such as lung cancer, and more and more people are aware of what smoking can cause them..There are alot of ways to make it harder for people to quit smoking or keep buying them, like on television shows, commercial and movies where some actor/actress smokes and it can effect the problem of wanted to quit and I do think that the tobacco company should reduce nicotine in their products so smokers wouldn't be soo addict to it...Of course it's easy for non-smokers to judge those smokers out there and say its a dumb thing to do by smoking, well got to live in our shoes to know what we smokers are going through not just cause someone in your family or someone you know that smokes...That's all I'm going to say on this thread and let them be the ONE to quit on their own, peace out!
*pssst* Actually Tobacco companies doesn't even care about your health... All rest of tobacco comapines competive smell people's pocket...

What people's pocket..... *HINT HINT HINT*

That what companies cares smell monoplayized!


I know people who smokers are addiction... whoever wishes quit smoking but hard.. I understand their feelings and cannot be blame their feelings.. Just hope everyone can understand themselves.. Can you mind pretty please?!

I do agree...some Ad'ers comment but otherwise Heath's post first thread... Trying to adversting warning everyone.. Why can't you shudd'up.. Whoever smokers are ALREADY KNOWS... You did post it about few months ago... why you kept repeat ? I cannot remmy Mod deleted it the thread.

Forgive me my sputters speak it out!
:roll: @ this thread where it's leading to...
That was a new picture of a chart at the beginning of the thread I created and from time to time I come across things that are good especially visual charts which is entirely up to you to heed the advice of the visual chart. I don't think this thread will be locked if people behave more nicely and so far this has been a very nice thread. :) :thumb:
No use warnings to anyone who smokes... i smoke ever since i was 14 yrs old... i had tried to quit smoking... failed miserably few times... i still smoke now... so it is my pleasure... in spite of warnings....
Yeah, they have the right to poison their children in their cars with windows all rolled up while they light one up. It's not really giving the children an opportunity to get away from a smoker. It's more than just individual's right. The only reason why tobacco is still legal is because the government profit from it.

Smokers who are parents... I don't care what they have to tell me. I believe children's health and welfare are far more important than the parents' cravings for a cigarette. Period.

Its like this, Banjo....

its an addiction.. every person in this whole world has at least 1 addiction! Some are smokers, some are alcoholics, some are workaholics, some are computaholics!!!! However, smoking and drinking DOES affect our health and the children's too. Once you smoke a cig, you're addicted. People see it as a habit.. not their intention to hurt other people's health.

Do you drive a car? If so.. you are hurting children's health too.. all the pollutions that's in the air is killing us too. You just can't say that smoking is the worse thing in the world. There are plenty of others that is killing us.

and I have not smoked in 6 months and it feels really good.. but come to think of other hazardous... how safe are we?? we're not really safe anymore.. the Ozone is thinning out.. pollutions and smogs are killing us..

this has nothing to do with hurting our children.. its hurting all of us.. each of us..
It's actually been done in the U.S., and I believe, successfully. However, I wouldn't do that.

I asked my American co-worker few questions today after read your post and also this thread here as well.

She said that Americans sue, sue, sue, no matter what. The lawyers only see after your money and play for you but you will never get chance to win at court against smoker, tabacco companies, Mac Donald, etc because you aware about health thru information, comerical, etc in first place but you choose to ignore it...

I firmly believe in an individual's right to smoke. If they are an adult, they have the right to light up

Logical yes, they kow tabacco is legal. It's up to people. We can't change them but themselves.