Well Thank you Oceanbreeze

, I really do appreciate your honestly response and I do agree with you ..I know that there are some smokers who have no respect to those who are allergic to smokes, while I'm here I can not speak for every smokers out there but only for myself, Banjo is right about being selifish when smoking in the car while children are in it, I'm guilty of doing so, but I'm not a bad mother I do love my children very much, and I am going to quit not cause of what people are saying about smokers, or what names they're calling us, but it's because my oldest son beg and asked me to quit cause he worried about my health, at the same time I'm worry about theirs as well too, I know I'm not perfect, I made many mistakes in my life, but hey I'm just like the rest of you people here, and since smoking is an addiction, it can make it very hard to quit, but not impossible, I know there are some people that have already quit the cold turkey and still doing good which I'm very impressed and proud of them too, cause quitting smoking can makes a difference by being able to live longer by seeing our children growing up and being around with the people we love the most, but I do have my weakness in me and I'm sure everyone here has their own weakness as well too but If anyone can quit then I can too if I keep trying harder instead of giving up....I do agree that banning things isn't going to solved anything, cause there always something else they will complain about next....
That's all I wanted to say, and I would very much appreciate that none of you would attack me for what I've said here....Thank you for listening