lol...white, able bodied people?
you think white people are far better than black people? well, obviously Miss P...thats where ur dead wrong. if USA is only for white people, then you never heard of secretary of state Rice as the first black woman in congress, as well as Powell was the first black secretary of state who is currently retired. Will Smith is one of the most popular black actors and even "French Prince of Bel Air" was one of the most watched shows and been on air for more than 10 years and on. He have appear in almost every summer's action packed thriller since "Independence Day." Halle Berry was one of the most paid actresses than other black actresses ever were. (ah how I love her thee?) as for Denzel Washington was one of the most paid black actors along with Will Smith and Jammie Foxx and afew others. Bill Cobsy was one of the first black people to have their own television series in the early 1980s. Ray Charles sold most of his music in public than any other black musicans ever had in the late 1940s to mid 1950s, and is still popular today, even though he's dead. Ali was one of the most feared and respected boxers in sports history. Even though today alot of blacks are still struggling with money and house and jobs and all, but blacks are NOT the only ones suffering with those kind of situations. even asians and hispanics, and even WHITES, do have some problems as well cause we aren't all "rich, powerful, and perfect".
look at me...I own a 12 year old truck, I live in an apartment with my mom, I work at Kohls, and I don't have many friends though I hang out with my brother and some friends from high school mostly on weekends. life is tough, but at least I'm doing something to make my life better later on. I don't sit on the cpu all day whining about how you get treated and how hard life is and thinkin that SSI and food stamps would be so easy for you cause you won't get those forever. They will force you to find a job one day. mark my words on that.
If Martin Luther King Jr. never existed, none of those people will ever get anything like that in life EVER! so you should thank him for that!