I'm not 100% sure exactly what you mean, so i'm going to reply as i think you mean. This by the way is 1 of the hard things about reading this forum. Many of you type in a way that is hard to read. I know that asl is slightly different, so it might be harder to always get things in the right order, but for someone thats not exactly use to it, it can be hard.
As far as how i feel about deaf people, well 10 years ago i worked at mcdonalds, and a deaf person ordered food from me with a sheet of paper. Flash forward 10 years, and i meet my roommate on yahoo. After several hours of chatting over a few weeks i knew i wanted to meet her (before i even knew how we would communicate). Since meeting her i've seen and met many people at the deaf club here. Yes while some are fucking nuts, others are perfectly normal. It seemed to be just like any other gathering, some old, some young, normal, goofy.... So again i'm not sure what your after, but you cannot all be grouped into 1 listing. The people that i have met, and spent time with have been very enjoyable, and while i do feel uncomfortable being at the deaf club, i still have a good time there. The reason i feel uncomfortable is because its about the only place in my home state i can feel like a forigner being that not everyone speaks english, and not everyone can read my lips.