For Hearies Only

How did you get interested in learning ASL? :afro:

Originally, many years ago when I was still in highschool, I used to go to Wag's restaurant (they're like Denny's) and I would remember often seeing deaf people at a table signing to each other and always thought it would be great if I could talk to them. I had been in boy scouts in the past and we were fortunate enough to learn to sign the alphabet, but that was all I knew. Then a few years ago I met a deaf girl and her friends and in one month that she visited me, she taught me many signs and I got to the point where I could communicate my point across at least. She also later found and introduced me to this website and I have hung around since. Unfortunately, things got whacky and we went separate ways, but I am still grateful for what I learned from her and for having been introduced to your community.

As a side note, last year I was doing direct sales and while I was at a customer's house, I found that the lady's son was deaf. They were both impressed that I was able to communicate with him, and it made me feel good that I could communicate with him. I found that I can communicate almost as well with sign language as I can with german (I took 2 years of german in high school but only remember very basics).
I want to study to become a teacher for the Deaf and hard of hearing in graduate school and recently made some deaf friends so I am slowly teaching myself through the internet until I start school.... If anyone would like to help me learn...I'd love that!
Our youngest son was very slow to learn how to speak. We taught him signs so he could communicate with us. That was 10 years ago. It really got me interested in the language as I think it is a very beautiful language. Back then my hearing was perfect. Now I have a profound loss in my left ear and a severe loss in my right. My wife and I use it now in certain situations out of necessity.
My first exposure to the Deaf community and ASL was when I was growing up; we had an elder couple that lived next door and was Deaf. As a child I was often bewildered and mesmurized by them. One time we were playing soccer in the yard and the ball hit their house, we immediately paniced afraid to be in trouble but then thought, oh no they are deaf they will not know. Our nerves no sooner settled that He came outside and was not happy! :) Now as an adult I know better. Stepping stones like this along with learning the ABCs in Girl Scouts led up to meeting my Grandmother-in-law. Her name was Jincey and she was deaf, at first I was way to nervous to attempt to sign and soon after I started trying to learn she was tradegicly taken away from us in a house fire. I promised myself I would continue to learn in her honor, my passion for the Deaf community and ASL has only grown stronger and stronger the longer I learn. I had taken classes in college while going for an Elem Education degree. I wanted to finish my degree but just couldn't resist that Miami Dade College is offering an Interpreting degree, so I changed degrees and working towards my dream job. :)
My first exposure to the Deaf community and ASL was when I was growing up; we had an elder couple that lived next door and was Deaf. As a child I was often bewildered and mesmurized by them. One time we were playing soccer in the yard and the ball hit their house, we immediately paniced afraid to be in trouble but then thought, oh no they are deaf they will not know. Our nerves no sooner settled that He came outside and was not happy! :) Now as an adult I know better. Stepping stones like this along with learning the ABCs in Girl Scouts led up to meeting my Grandmother-in-law. Her name was Jincey and she was deaf, at first I was way to nervous to attempt to sign and soon after I started trying to learn she was tradegicly taken away from us in a house fire. I promised myself I would continue to learn in her honor, my passion for the Deaf community and ASL has only grown stronger and stronger the longer I learn. I had taken classes in college while going for an Elem Education degree. I wanted to finish my degree but just couldn't resist that Miami Dade College is offering an Interpreting degree, so I changed degrees and working towards my dream job. :)

great !! I am taking the same Sign Langugage Interpretation at MDC, just started ASL1... maybe we have seen each other before :)