It happened to me all the time Ravensteve, it was funni because I just had a very good chat with my grandmother before I left florida, she is my dad's mother and she was the one who taught my parents about raising deaf children also even finding information on how to raise one, and also she was always there for the two of us girls when we were young even now she does too, she was the one who found us schools where we could attend at and etc..
Anyways, I've asked her a couple of questions about my own deafness and if I ever heard any sounds when I was younger, or was I competely deaf at the age of 5....She told me some things that I had no memories of at that time of age, that my sister Cheri and I lost our hearing slowly at the age of 5, we were hard of hearing, and was able to hear sounds or people talking in the background, when we were in kingergarden we had a hearing test that show the sign of hearing loss, the school had let my parent know about it, and they had a hard time believing it of course, they took us to see a doctor, and the doctor said the same thing, the reason why they had a hard time believeing it is because Cheri and I talk like a hearing person, we didn't have trouble hearing or responding to others around us, and then all the suddenly we lose our hearing a bit at a time, it was something my parents never image it would happen to any child....
I was told that I was able to hear music, people talking, even understanding what others are saying without reading their lips, be able to hear things outside such a children playing around us and etc....Things started to change after the age of 5, when we weren't able to understand a teacher or a parent trying to say to us....
But I do remember the sounds when I reach the age of 10 or 11 without the use of my hearing aids, I was able to hear alot more than I am able to hear now.....but when the years passed along, my own hearing started to drift away meaning I wasn't able to hear as great as I used to....NOW, I hear things such as dog barking, or children playing or their laughters, and so much more and when I turn around, it only me in the room or outside...I get this sad feelings that I wasn't able to hear as good anymore....I think it more to do with the memories of the days we were able to hear when we were growing up, I think that is what cause us to hear things when it really wasn't the sound of it.....
I admit, I missed the sounds, the laughters, the birds , the words in the songs, and people's voices in the background....It would be really nice to be able to get my hearing back, but I know it won't happen the way I wish for, but at least I know I will get it back one day, when the time is all I can do is cherish all the sounds I've remember from the time I was young until now....
Believe me, I had a hard time accepting my own deafness throughtout the years, but I learn from time to time that I need to accept the fact I'm not able to hear anymore, but being able to hear the sounds I used to hear, it alot better than not having any memories of it at all....
And honestly, you're not ALONE in this Ravensteve, there are few others who are out there has gone thru something like this themselves, and it not a good feelings to have but at least we have our own memories of the time we were able to hear!