For Cloggy and Rick48

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At first I came here and other places, because I need information about deafness, Deaf culture, and after the Anti-CI atmosphere and mis-information on DeafNotes, this site was a relief.

But why stay here?
Because there is so much mis-information getting around in here, that I would hate to see people looking for information getting wrong information.
In addition, there are deaf people here that also read this misinformation and start believing it.. That's a pity as well...
Also, with all the controversity, it is good to show a child that got CI early in life and is doing great, so I have been showing my daughter in here...
What's wrong with having the point of view of a parent in AllDeaf..

I enjoy the discussions with many members. The ones I agree with and disagree with, all these discussions are valuable. Because, stating one's point of view make that one thinks about it.

But still, sometimes it does get grimm...
One of the lowest I have seen is SxyPorkie that wrote a post in DeafNotes that she was disappointed that I refused to teach sign language to my daughter. And this was her first post there.
She knows I have taught and used sign from the start (It's stated frequently here in AllDeaf, and she's been here plenty..), so it was a blunt lie.

(One of the best posts was when SxyPorkie signed her post with "Sweetmind"... that was great.... The members that were there know what I am talking about...)

Anyway... before this thread gets locked...
I have plenty to learn, and there are plenty deaf people here on AllDeaf that I love talking to...

We have different opinions, and I think that's great.
As long as those opinions are based on good information - I'm happy to agree to disagree...

And for SexyPiggy....
Stop moaning and complaining... and especially, stop lying and backstabbing...
You chose your name yourself..... and for the rest, I'm sure it's confusing not having Sweetmind whispering in your ear what you should say...
Grow up!
Cloggy, don't forget that SxyPorkie made a hypocritical post that caused Lilly's dad to get fed up and left AD to take a LONG BREAK.

They are members and are entitled to the same privileges as we are. Period.

I meant is that we do not have to have hearing members on this forum. I believe Jillio expressed the best when she wrote: "You know, I just don't get it. The name of this board is Alldeaf. That makes it pretty obvious that it is a deaf message board. As a hearing person, I consider that I am here as a guest of deaf members. This is their board and they allow me to participate.

"So why is it that so many hearing parents come to this site, and then rather than show the deaf members the respect they deserve, spend all their time posting comments that denigrate the deaf experience and try to convince them that what ever they think, feel, or believe is wrong? If a person is hearing, and they see comments from deaf posters that they don't agree with, there is always the option of leaving the site. Hearies are guests here, and need to behave according."
I meant is that we do not have to have hearing members on this forum. I believe Jillio expressed the best when she wrote: "You know, I just don't get it. The name of this board is Alldeaf. That makes it pretty obvious that it is a deaf message board. As a hearing person, I consider that I am here as a guest of deaf members. This is their board and they allow me to participate.

"So why is it that so many hearing parents come to this site, and then rather than show the deaf members the respect they deserve, spend all their time posting comments that denigrate the deaf experience and try to convince them that what ever they think, feel, or believe is wrong? If a person is hearing, and they see comments from deaf posters that they don't agree with, there is always the option of leaving the site. Hearies are guests here, and need to behave according."
No, simply, she's a member of alldeaf just because she has a deaf son. not a guest of deaf member. Alex open this board to everyone both hearing and deaf. he said that in the past. you or jillio can't change that.
whoa, whoa... please do not argue and we are all human beings. We learn from each other and those two people were trying to tell you guys how important that they do want to learn about deaf culture.
see this;, the online forum for the Deaf & Hard of Hearing. This forum is open to anyone with questions, comments, advice, or simply an interest in the Deaf Community and other deaf-related issues.

and finally, some of them didn't adhere to the rule;

as I notice that Shel90 and Jillio has enjoyed bashing us and in the rule it is not allowed so therefore they should have been banned long ago! as per rule #9

and there are some member that violated #10 (in case of sxyporkie causing lilly's dad to leave and a thread like "CI on 6 yrs old")
This thread need get locked, it's against forum rule to create new post against other members. :locked:

Agreeable and we have to RESPECT EACH OTHER, not bashing against others.

They are members and are entitled to the same privileges as we are. Period.

I agree . We should learn to tolerate people who may be different in thinking. BTW,this thread is against the forum rules.. needs to be locked.
I will pray for Cloggy and Rick48

I will pray for Cloggy and Rick48 so God may change their hearts and minds. Jesus said "Father, forgive them; They know not what they do." Tolerance goes both ways.

I want to end with the Lord's Prayer:

Our father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name.
Thy kingdom come.
Thy will be done on earth as it is heaven
Give us this day, our daily bread,
and forgive us our transpasses,
as we forgive those who transpass against us,
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil. Amen
They are afraid of us, afraid their kids will ended up alike us.They believe we do not know how to live a normal life in hearing society.

First of all it's ridiculous.
Second of all, it's untrue.

And how about they MIGHT have a point here? how about they do KNOW the benefits of having a hearing and you do NOT?

I am not saying a deaf person can not perform excellently as she/he is,
but saying you don't need to hear is like saying you don't need two hands or two legs or to see. Sure you don't!- but I don't think anybody is going to argue that to have TWO hands or TWO legs or the ability to see or hear is much much better that having just a half, or a bit of it.

What some pple here fails to understand, and what Cloggy and other members like Cloggy try to explain is this- a CI is merely a device that assists with hearing - like regular HAs. and it has it's undisputable benefits.
Nothing less, nothing more.

it is not an evil invention whose the only aim is to annihiliate the deaf culture.

True they do not respect us in some way. They made a choice not to listen to us because they believe in what they are doing. In doing that they try to teach us believing we do not know sh*t about many things. Somethime I feel they are trying to be suprieor over us because we are deaf.

Some of you are not respecting them either. Some of you made a choice of not listening to them, because some of you believe in being "holy deaf".
In doing that, some of you believe Cloggy and others like him don't know sh*t about many things. Some of you acts toward Cloggy and others superior as WELL. how about calling them the audists and such.

If you don't like reading what Cloggy and Rick have to say then the simple thing is to NOT read their replies. Simple as that. They're entitled to their opinions and their experiences as parents of deaf children, just as everybody else here is entitled to say what they feel! This forum isn't called "" its ALLDeaf, and those from ALL walks are welcomed. If its something you can't handle then perhaps you should be the one who leaves, rather than demanding that others leave.

Nobody's forcing you to agree with them, or even read their posts/opinions. I happen to think they have contributed a lot of valuable information from their experiences!
see this;

and finally, some of them didn't adhere to the rule;

as I notice that Shel90 and Jillio has enjoyed bashing us and in the rule it is not allowed so therefore they should have been banned long ago! as per rule #9

and there are some member that violated #10 (in case of sxyporkie causing lilly's dad to leave and a thread like "CI on 6 yrs old")
The thread "CI on a 6 year Old" was a violiation of the rule? How so? It was someone who was expressing her feelings about a situation. How is that bashing on other members?

Excuse me? Bashing u? As far as I remember, I believe I have never called any u names, Boult. Just don't agree with some of your views. If that's bashing then I didn't know. *shrug*

Also, why did u bring up our names? What do we have to do with the topic of this thread??? If u want to bring up our names, start a thread about Jillo and I.
First of all it's ridiculous.
Second of all, it's untrue.

And how about they MIGHT have a point here? how about they do KNOW the benefits of having a hearing and you do NOT?

I am not saying a deaf person can not perform excellently as she/he is,
but saying you don't need to hear is like saying you don't need two hands or two legs or to see. Sure you don't!- but I don't think anybody is going to argue that to have TWO hands or TWO legs or the ability to see or hear is much much better that having just a half, or a bit of it.

What some pple here fails to understand, and what Cloggy and other members like Cloggy try to explain is this- a CI is merely a device that assists with hearing - like regular HAs. and it has it's undisputable benefits.
Nothing less, nothing more.

it is not an evil invention whose the only aim is to annihiliate the deaf culture.

Some of you are not respecting them either. Some of you made a choice of not listening to them, because some of you believe in being "holy deaf".
In doing that, some of you believe Cloggy and others like him don't know sh*t about many things. Some of you acts toward Cloggy and others superior as WELL. how about calling them the audists and such.

Excellent posting, Audiofuzzy.

The CI is is a tool and just that. Nothing more.

I realize not everyone will succeed with a C.I. and not everyone will benefit from them. There are failures and I acknowlege that they happen.

CIs aren't for everyone either. I had to tell someone who plays at my favorite online game judging from what he said, he clearly had a bone conductive loss and therefore, he's not likely to be a candidate for a C.I. However, it did sound like he's make a good Baha candidate.

It's true that audism exsits and I've been on the recieving end of it more times than I care to remember. I especially hate having my views dismissed or having people assume that I am a representive of all the deaf people. :ugh:

Although some of you guys may not agree with Cloggy and Rick45, they're entiled to their views on things. I don't always agree with Shel90 on everything but I think she raises an important point about the deaf children's languages skills.

If you don't want to hear that's fine with me. What's not so fine with me is if I get called a traitor or a hearing wannabe if I got my ear implanted.
as I notice that Shel90 and Jillio has enjoyed bashing us and in the rule it is not allowed so therefore they should have been banned long ago! as per rule #9

:roll: Seriously, they do not need to be banned just because they have different POVs from yours.

They are one of the best posters here in AD :thumb:
The thread "CI on a 6 year Old" was a violiation of the rule? How so? It was someone who was expressing her feelings about a situation. How is that bashing on other members?

Excuse me? Bashing u? As far as I remember, I believe I have never called any u names, Boult. Just don't agree with some of your views. If that's bashing then I didn't know. *shrug*

Also, why did u bring up our names? What do we have to do with the topic of this thread??? If u want to bring up our names, start a thread about Jillo and I.

I did not say "me" I said "us" it could be anyone who is on opposite of you like for example cloggy or rick48 or ci users.

Are you saying that you are denying that you and jillio are not bashing us at all?
then what about this? -->

:roll: Seriously, they do not need to be banned just because they have different POVs from yours.

They are one of the best posters here in AD :thumb:
not because of different pov but violation of rules that Alex imposed on his board.
I did not say "me" I said "us" it could be anyone who is on opposite of you like for example cloggy or rick48 or ci users.

Are you saying that you are denying that you and jillio are not bashing us at all?
then what about this? -->


I looked at the link..all I saw was my post about venting my feelings. I don't see anywhere that I am calling people names. Nope, I am not perfect and none of us are but none of us, including the parents, have called anyone names. What r u talking about in calling people names or venting about other people's views??? If we r not allowed to vent about other views here, then nobody shud ever vent about other people's views then.

Yes, a few times I have gotten carried away and I have already apologized in another thread for being a bad girl. I am sure u can find it, Boult. If u already knew that I have apologized then why bring up my name here? If u want me banned, go ahead and report me to the mods.
If only deaf people are allowed on this thread, does that mean a potential forum called allhearing is only for hearing people and no deaf people can go on it? nah I don' think so. Everybody has rights to be on any forums they want, if they have a connection to deaf people or not. Some people may just be interested in the deaf community, its not right to dismiss them.

As for the CI issue, I don't know what happened, nor do I care, but everybody is entitled to they points of view and opinions, no need to agree with them all the time so no need to insult or bash them or try to get them banned. That is just immature.
I don't have problem with Cloggy. He was so nice. We just talked once. One lady was so upset with me that I told Cloggy about my opinion of CI. I had to stop her because she jumped in our talk. That was only me and Cloggy.
Mod Note:

Obviously, this thread needs to be locked up before it spirals out of control, with more finger-pointing, accusing and whatnots. It sure doesn't help things when 'links' are being presented to show what another member or members have stated in previous threads, that's just brewing for more drama or flame wars. Enough--As one person stated: "..but everybody is entitled to their points of view and opinions, no need to agree with them all the time so no need to insult or bash them or try to get them banned..."

Therefore...respect goes both point airing dirty laundry with others here publicly, take it elsewhere if you must, otherwise, let's keep it cool. Everyone is indeed entitled to an opinion just as much as everyone is entitled to NOT reply back just because a POV is intolerable or indifferent, etc.,....

From this point on...let's put this behind 'us' as best as we all are capable of doing and proceed to show courtesy and respect for one another--

Thank you!

Thread's closed.

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