It's really sad that the woman felt the need to kill her children because of this....just don't think she was savvy to other organizations that could have helped her....
Here in Jax, we have "Potter's House", which feeds the poor and needy twice a week. Driver's License and social(s) are required for each member of the family. Also, many Churches give out free bread/pies/dougnuts, etc., once a week, all the bread you want....and free clothes too. Another organization once every week gives out Veggies and sometimes Milk, but no Meat....The lines are a mile long...some people wait 3-4 hours in the heat and cold, even the elderly....most don't even have transportation, they have to walk there. This is just on my side of town (Jax), and I'm sure other parts of Jax do the same.....
Many, many Homeless people, even people who are starving...stand behind the grocery store dumpsters and pick out the edible food in there. Even at Restaurants, you can spot the Homeless waiting around the dumpsters at closing time.....
No one never knows when they might be in a position to do just that. (Eat out of dumpsters)....but there is Food out there!..No reason for someone to starve to death, or kill their children, unless they are truly mentall ill, disoriented, overwhelmed, etc.