Yea We Do TTC!!!
Mississauga Transit doesn't have it though! I got SOOOOO lost on my way to the CHS there once.
Yea We Do TTC!!!
Here are pictures of how we attached my fm system to my wheelchair
the company cut a 2 inch(5cm) slot(photo 10) in the side guard and placed velcro on the arm rest pole(photo 10) and on the fm system(photo 9) i have use of the buttons on the back of the fm system(photo 8) and if i reach over the side guard i usxe of the buttons and screen of the fm system(photo 11)
ah, ic!
I agree that if you have the option then manual is the way to go. I have nothing against power chairs (my best friend uses one), but i feel that manual helps keep up strength better, and is much more portable!
1.being a foldable powerchair thats super light weight but we are have battery issuses hoping that the govt funds the center drop down joystick mount(when the splints off i can drive with both hands (great when leading the nag doing the shopping)
im lucky enough to have two brand new heaps of custom work chairs from state system
1.being a foldable powerchair thats super light weight but we are have battery issuses hoping that the govt funds the center drop down joystick mount(when the splints off i can drive with both hands (great when leading the nag doing the shopping)
ohhh.. ok! i getcha. It doesnt have a solid base which is why it is foldable. Have you driven it yet? It looks like a rear-wheel-drive. I don't know many people who like driving those, the front wheels loose traction easily and slip around.
speaking of bus stops - in Toronto our busses have a little screen that shows the next stop in text! It is fabulous!
speaking of bus stops - in Toronto our busses have a little screen that shows the next stop in text! It is fabulous!
To clarify - I can't see how FM would help you detect things outside of the looped area (a few meters at best) ... especially cars, or bus station calls - I'd recommend staying within visual range of the driver, informing them that you're Hoh and can't hear the bus stops and ask them to stop at the desired location and make sure that you are able to get off the bus.
yep i've driven had a horse throw it round a paddock we stupidly tied her lead rope to the chair handles.
to make for the fact that it is not a solid pan base my cushion has a solid base
it has only lost traction when in mud