

Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2012
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All major highways and back roads were closed and flooded, couldn't get from city to county or vice versa. Daughter and son n law are stuck at home, Baby Momma and my son are stuck at home as well, no school due to flooded roads in the backwoods....
This is the bridge to my daughters house ( also where my son and I fish occasionally )
and Highway 55... should cover the road tonight.

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I was wondering if the flooding was in your area. I know a couple other ADers live in MO, too.

I hope you and your family's home stay dry and safe.

Thanks for posting the news.
My parents are in the city and its high grounds here, but the outter limits into the county are flooded, its crazy that the great flood of 93, the flood of 2015 and now , these idiots rebuild and stay ( businesses and Home owners both ) Theres a meme going around about "The Fenton Lake Project" was denied and everyone wants to sue the government for a buyout....lol
I live in Lemay MO and the water is just about ready to prevent me from getting to work over River Des Peres (AKA River DeSewer)
I live in Lemay MO and the water is just about ready to prevent me from getting to work over River Des Peres (AKA River DeSewer)
it smells like a sewer when the water recedes , Theres been people with jet skis scooting around in there at times.
I heard news that my home state got flood but in northeast Arkansas but my home in central have no flooding thankful for that..

Flooding include in Pocahontas,Ar its four hours from North Little Rock,Ar in northeast Arkansas
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I heard news that my home state got flood but in northeast Arkansas but my home in central have no flooding thankful for that..

Flooding include in Pocahontas,Ar its four hours from North Little Rock,Ar in northeast Arkansas
a good friend is in Arkansas, she just helped some friends move due to the flooding.