This guy made his first million at 33. I think its pretty amazing. Just thought I'd share this with AD.
My 1st Million At 33
My 1st Million At 33
Do you mean he made $1 million at 33 years old?
Ohhh I got it. Did you know that Bill Gates (Microsoft chairman and founder) He made his first $1 million at only 21 years old.
That doesn't count. Bill Gates's father is a rich lawyer. He went to Harvard and was a spoiled brat.
My example is just a normal guy like you or me.
Well he was a very smart guy and he made $20,000 at only 14 years old. Whatever floats in your boat. I'm not a normal guy like that guy. I'm dumber than you think!
No you are not!
I meet you before, you are a funny guy and very nice guy. Not dumb!
We have met in person? Do I know you? *scratches my head*