Fireworks are scary


New Member
Jul 2, 2008
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Can deaf people tell when fireworks are going off if they weren't looking at the sky, from the energy of others around them?
I can tell because my cat is hiding in the basement and my dogs keep running to the windows and barking.
If I have my hearing aids on, I can hear the popping and explosions...
If I have my hearing aids on, I can hear the popping and explosions...

You know what, my decibel loss ranges between 100 and 70 in various frequency, which I know is less than you, but I don't think I can. Maybe if I went outside I could. But I am not wearing my aids either.(I mean I have less loss, not less hearing)
You know what, my decibel loss ranges between 100 and 70 in various frequency, which I know is less than you, but I don't think I can. Maybe if I went outside I could. But I am not wearing my aids either.(I mean I have less loss, not less hearing)

Without my hearing aids, I couldnt hear them unless I was standing to one exploding and that wouldnt be safe, right? LOL!
If I'm outside within a mile or two of the fireworks, then I can feel the explosions. :)
Can deaf people tell when fireworks are going off if they weren't looking at the sky, from the energy of others around them?

of course... you can feel the shockwave
The worst place to be when fireworks are going off is in the EPB Quad at RIT.

The EPB Quad is the big circle area in the middle of The Commons, LBJ (NTID), Tower A (Ellingson Hall), and Tower B (Peterson Hall). Once a year, they have Springfest. At the end of Springfest, they shoot fireworks from the parking lot across the street (Andrews Memorial Drive) from the track. That's about 200 yards away from the EPB Quad.

Since the buildings are made of brick, it causes a lot of echo from the fireworks. :)
its totally hard hear for me but i love fireworks makes me explosives on my ears!!!!! but i would stay away from fireworks im wishes for earplugs they wont hear because im deaf
I can tell because my cat is hiding in the basement and my dogs keep running to the windows and barking.

Yup, so did my two cats hiding and scared... one of them is hard of hearing so she was quite less scared although. Poor them! lol
fireworks are not scary but i can't even hear it shrugs but as fireworks make the sky beautiful when they explodes
BUT BUT they can be scary to cats and some dogs even thou the brave ones barks heh
last night when they started going off my cats were going crazy and I couldnt figure out why (it was raining and I thought they cancelled them), my partner was laughing at me and said "You have no idea what is going on do you?" I shrugged then looked out the window, when i went outside I could feel the vibrations but that is about it. They are cool to look at, but only if I am expecting them.
We didn't go see the fireworks but our neighorbor played with vary of fireworks... we have some also and did that also.

My dog, Tinkerbell HATES it! She was FREAKED OUT! Shook sooo bad. :( She stayed with me till it quited down....Tahoe hid under the china cabinet. But came out and stayed with me till bed...