fire away and ask me anything (knightwolf68)

^Angel^ said:
Do you plan on having children and how many?....
I would like to have between 2 to 4 kids !! otherwise sad part that these kids won't be my biology kids because I can't have any children on my own... but I don't mind to have the fertility for her to get preg. or whoever lady who already have kids i would be more than happy to be step father for these kids.
illustrator said:
Did you confess your sin? What was it?

yes i did confess my sin and I ain't share the confess with anyone expect Jesus the Christ and God ! It is personal between him and me....
knightwolf68 said:
yes i did confess my sin and I ain't share the confess with anyone expect Jesus the Christ and God ! It is personal between him and me....

That's good for you. ;)
1. what do you do this weekend?

2. what is your opinion about gay marriage in SF?

3. who do you think most coolest AD members?

4. are we alone unvierse?

5. Do you support the idea that Marjiuana should be legal? why?
LUNZ said:
1. what do you do this weekend?

2. what is your opinion about gay marriage in SF?

3. who do you think most coolest AD members?

4. are we alone unvierse?

5. Do you support the idea that Marjiuana should be legal? why?

here is my answer to ur questions...
1. take my fiancee out to dancing this saturday night and This sunday we are going to watch Colorado Mammoth games then have to drive my fiancee out of town to drop her off then will be home pretty late night as i have to work on monday morning arrgghhh

2. actually i don't support this but I do respect everybody for who they are and what they believe in the belief since it is their choices not mine .. gay ppl is pretty cool to me ( hey gay folks, no offened okay?? )
3. well, I really don't know but I do think lasza and freaky and cheler is pretty most cool !

4. no , we are not alone !

5. oh HECKKK bloody YEEESSSS it should be legal full period because i consider it very harmless than anything else ...
Why you loved to play Dart ? What reason you really like ?

How old you was fall in love to play Dart ?

What makes you really love AD and why ?

How many people you have ememies on AD ? Explain why please do so.. ?

Bullym0m said:
Why you loved to play Dart ? What reason you really like ?

How old you was fall in love to play Dart ?

What makes you really love AD and why ?

How many people you have ememies on AD ? Explain why please do so.. ?


I will put two questions into one story to answer ur questions okay ....

I grew up with my favorite closest cousin we always play darts at his place as goofy off as we don't know the rules ... I thought it is fun to throw at any numbers . until 1995 when i moved to Minnesota and some of my friend intived me to tag along with them to go to thompas Hall (sp?) for potluck as i went there for first time as well as i was in the basement where the bar is .. I was chat with new people to meet as some guy ask round as they look for one more player to fill up into the dart tourment as I thought why not ?? so i told them that I don't know what the rules etc ... the guy was laugh so hard at me ... He said ohh u will get it in no times !! just join and play ... let the eletric board tell u what to do as demo as they let me play without the explaination ... so the games was started i was watch other players to play the games and that how it got me understood very clear and has been played all night until finally reach the final bracket for 3rd and 4th place ... it took me to finish it in 33 rounds !! that mean 99 shoots... it was so such fun !!!! and In my back mind wondering why didn't Colorado have the dart leagues for deaf ?? which i was mean not to move back to colorado again so somehow It drawn me back to Mile High City so here i am ... and I decide to set up the deaf dart team mainsteam with Hearing leagues as it is my goal to have deaf dart leagues itself own ... so it is long way to go ... and slow develop but notice that it seem delince due to few players start going to move out of state ... but I have been encourage them to set up dart leagues out there as I was plan to have deaf dart association for American ... I am telling u the truth .. I am somewhat envy at Canada cuz they have their own deaf dart leagues ... so I encourage everybody here to try out dart leagues .. it is so such fun !!! and it is very challenge to play ... beware of drinking !!! cuz it is very extra challenge with BUZZ !!! I hope it answer ur questions

why do i love AD ??? I find here in AD very friendly and interest topics ...

i don't have any ememies from AD at all
If you had to Vote who the most Hotties in all deaf who would u vote?
Cheri said:
If you had to Vote who the most Hotties in all deaf who would u vote?

Be honest with u .... I think there is few hottie gals round here in AD and i would give all of them as equal to share the first place as hottie hehe so that way i don't want to input it as comptives (contest) against each other
knightwolf68 said:
his future children ???? do u mean that u want me to adopt ur kids ??? just kidding

I tried to attachment the picture but the file was too big. :( 77.0 should be less than 75 size
Sabrina said:
I tried to attachment the picture but the file was too big. :( 77.0 should be less than 75 size

have u figure out how to do resize that ur trying to attachment ??? or u can ask Mods to help u to do resize ...u really got me so curious what ur trying to do ..
Hey, KW! I know this thread is so old, but I never forget you.

How have you been?
Did you marry Kitten03 yet? If so, when and how was it? :thumb: Too bad that I didn't get invited. :cry:
ChelEler said:
Hey, KW! I know this thread is so old, but I never forget you.

How have you been?
Did you marry Kitten03 yet? If so, when and how was it? :thumb: Too bad that I didn't get invited. :cry:

Well heck yeah it is sooooo ollllldddd post but its time to bring it bacck so now well kitten03 and I are no longer items and it is very painful for me to go through as I don't want to given the details as it is too personal so anyway I am back to single for 4 months now but I have been eye on one lady out there as I just met her through my old classmate and she knew that I like her a lot and yesterday I finally chat with her through vp at friends house as we chat for an hr and it is very magical moments but we are take it slow and try to get know each other first and hope that it will lead somewhere but wait and see I really wish that I have vp with me but I don't ! Dang but someday I will get it when it is right time smile otherwise thank god that we have sk2 and we do keep in touch with each other daily as well as she is not AD member so any of u want to ask me any more questions then pls feel free to ask as I am not here to chase u away lol
AWW! You're back! Hope you and that sweet girl will take it slow and build it up. :thumb:

Did you find a job yet? Any interviews at all? I hope you got something on your track right now. :)