Fine print on ZVRS

Yup, the Videophone unit is not cheap, many thinks SVP-200 cost 250, and that is just fraction of what it really cost.

Actually the Z150 videophone if you buy from somewhere else it costs about 1,500 I aint kidding.

My employer bought it for me and it cost them 899 dollars(Corporate pricing) without porting.
The main reason they give you a "full refund" (is not truly a full refund) is so theyc an get the equipment back. I do understand that it is "their" equipment as we buy it for what it has been stated subsidized, but what do they do witht he equipment? Resell it to another user. Just a word of caution, electronic equipment runs out of warranty. You may end up with a unit that have been around the block a few times. Although I do applaud them for trying, simply put, anytime a company is willing to take their equipment back so easy it usually means that there is more to come.