Finding sex offenders...


New Member
Jun 2, 2003
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I have a website for you on finding them in your area of where u live.. all you have to type in your zip code and clickon search.

I did find mine and there are 4 sex offenders in my area but doesnt live on the street where i live or next to me though.

Here's the website:
Interesting site thxs wildkatress...

However one thing if you type your name on that site, a list of people sharing your name comes up on the site. I came up with 4 sharing the same name.
Wow...scary. I actually found someone who lives a few blocks away. Not too cool!

I hate kid-abusers. :rl:

I tried this website you gave me, with my zip code and it came up with nothing.
However, I went to Utah State Registry of Sex Offenders, and found 22 in my area, all men but one woman. None live on my street or the next streets.
The closest is in Indepence Blvd... :ugh: so close to Charlotte, NC.

see WHY I need a gun?
Well i checked out three diffy states, and it turns out others have sex offenders and one was living like 4 blocks away from my OLD home SO that s good i dont have to worry ;)
I just checked for names in several states (Georgia, Indiana, Texas, North Carolina and Tennessee) only knew one in Tennessee from my childhood year - oh boy! I found one in Attica, Indiana who lives on the same street where my cousin's church is located, I just sent my cousin the website! I think everyone anywhere have every right to know so they can keep child(ren) safe!
:shock: I tried mine, there is one living on the same street as my mother in law good thing not too close to her :D
Interesting...I checked where my mother lives -- no sex offenders live within the proximity. phew. :)
a male sex offender moves to my area from Flordia. Just one. I dont know how yall find the sex offenders on your streets because it didn't ask for my street. also the original link rachel posted isn't valid anymore so I went to the new link that rachel recently posted..

three serious sex offenders in three blocks radius. O__O

And in my boyfriend's 'hood, there is only ONE sex offender but that person is living one block away from the elementary school. [glaring]