Got to drive 40miles to take a phsyical Anthropology final (a big mistake to take an online class when the professor is not exactly a computer whiz so he requires the off-campus students to come on-campus to take exams. The whole point of "online class" have lost its meaning at this college.)
I am more concerned about my math class. I am very educated but for unexplained reasons I am unable to comphrend the simple structures of math or even to MEMORIZE for that matter so I finally started a college-level mathematic course this semester (ever since I was taking remedial classes. how embarassing). I need to ace next two exams for this math class in order to get a C for my grade. So my panic button has been hit a while ago. Did take the third exam two days ago and on Tuesday I will find out if my attempts have been futile or a step closer to the glorifying grade of "C"!
My women's studies class is really fanscainating. Regretting that I am leaving this class... but I hear this professor is teaching another class next semester so I will take her class again for women's studies history. If I manage to keep my grade above B, I don't need to take the final. So far it looks good for me- one less final to cram for.
One more final-- for my history class which covered western civilizations from 1600 to present. The professor is anal retentive but he covered all bases so the students have no excuses to flunk the exmas if they never crank their textbooks. I got an A in this class so far but my grade is not high enough to be in top 5% to be waivered from taking the final. Arggh. Multiple-Choices exams are the best.
My art courses have their finals earlier. Which reminds me, I need to finish my sketchbook and come up wtih a final project for my presenation.. YIKES.
I am not worried about my finals for most courses but like I said, I am more concerned about my math final more than anything else in my life. THis is vital to me, because if i pass this math class, NO MORE MATHEMATICS FOR ME! I mean, I don't mind learning mathematics et cetera but it is difficult for me to memorize the steps of applying the formulas and unfortunately I am not very good wiht my multiplication tables. I only can get up to 7x3=21... and beyond that-- PFFT, went over my head. Calcuator is one of the great inventions!