Finallyyyyy my new ear molds!

dunno how much they were they ended up being covered for me

venting Advantages:
Reduce unnecessary low frequency gain and output
Allow unamplified sound to enter the ear canal
Reduce occlusion effect
Relieve the feeling of pressure in the ear
Reduce moisture build-up in the ear canal.
Venting Disadvantages:
Too much venting can combine with the ear canal cavity to produce a Helmholtz resonator effect (increased gain in the 250-1000 Hz region), resulting in an echo or barrel effect when the patient speaks.
Feedback. As vent size increases, acoustic leakage increases, and therefore the probability of feedback increases.
I've never had vents in my earmoulds, I've always had unvented full-shell earmoulds, does it feel different if your earmoulds have vents in them?
who covered your heairng aid. sorry if you did mention already as above this thread. :o because i am drooling over your new mold and hearing aid.
my hearing aid isn't new still same as the ones in the pics..the zebra pic one is a pic from phonak website and is the HA i am getting. the naida IX but i am gonna keep these aids as back ups just in case
I wish I were on welfare. I am a full time mom working. I can't quit my job and go back on medicare/medicaid because of CI. That is No way! Sad that my insurance does not cover hearing aid but only can cover CI for 80 percents and i pay 20 percents of CI that CI costs too high!
OT but,
Awww Frisky that sucks! I can imagine that the associated costs must be really expensive.
Is there a School for the deaf or an audi who is very experianced with dhh since very small adults in your area? Maybe they could fit you with a high power aid. It might not be as good as CI, but you could still get a bit of power.
Now on topic.........I love the earmolds! They rock. I love the black and white swirl.
I wish they could make earmolds like you know the "crazy" swirl, or other cool patterns.
my audi was telling me they can make alottt of diff ones these days..i was torn b/w the one i got or getting white and pink i chose this instead tho :) its nice has a bit of a ouch spot tho on the left side :s
*Randomly Off Topic*
Do you like the look of the clear ones? They look pretty cool.

And btw, love the zebra :D I need to think about my colors next time LOL. I was just like "Uh.. blue.. green? Bluegreen tie dye?" :D
lol i loved the clear hearing aids but when i get new hearing aids i want a new color