Female or Shemale ? Can You Tell ?

Thumbs up vivid colour..... my wife is MTF and i am FTM... Yes i agree with you Shemale is offensive term to any MTF or drags (no offensive here)...... =O)


The thread itself is interesting, and so are some of my own reactions.

Frankly I never heard any term other than "shemale" to refer to a busty male with an under penis. Never thought about it being offensive either. Never gave the subject much thought one way or the other, except I do know it exists and am glad I am happy with who and what I am -- Which means I do not have to face the problem personally.

While I've been friends with several gays, lesbians, and bi's, no one I've been friends with or met real life has told me they had dual sexual equipment. I know it would not hamper my ability to be friends with them.

What I find disturbing is the not knowing. I love looking at women, all sizes, shapes, colors, you name it. If it is a woman I know how to react. If it is not a woman but looks like a woman I can decide how to react. Somehow the not knowing bothers me.

So I didn't take the test.

I knew a man who told me he had been making out with a gorgeous blonde all night only to discover it was a female only half way down. When he got angry he was told that most guys, if told up front, would back off immediately, but once it went as far as he did most guys would continue with it and go with the flow.

Don't know what this post of mine means, if anything, but for what it is worth, here it is.
I score 15/16 I recogized one of the transsexuals and she's a known beautiful woman I have seen before, Miriam Rivera.

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