Feeling strange to be back here

Hello and welcome back to Alldeaf! Hope you'll continue to enjoy your stay here in AD! ;)
*singing to loveofwine*

I don't know you...
And you don't know me...
So, why you care...
For me to say hello...


Who ever you are, welcome back to AllDoofus! :D
Welcome back, loveofwine.... I think I see your old sn here before... but anyways, welcome back!
Yes, Levonian, you're right.

Welcome back, loveofwine. I remember you from a few years back. Enjoy your postings!
Levonian said:
Didn’t you used to date Vampy? :confused:

Yes I used to date Vampy. That's old news, long long ago!

Thanks to everyone else who welcomed me back. Looking forward in making new trends with you all.
Gemtun said:
Nice meeting you :)

By the way, I am a wine freak too :)

What is your favorite kind? Mine is Pinot Noir, Pinot Gris, Merlot and Chardonnay. I cant just pick out one :lol:

Do you have a favorite wineyard that you go to often? I am in midst of nation's second largest producing wine region and it is always great to have so many different wineries to sample on weekends. It is hard to pick out just one as each one is unique in its own way.

:cheers: (hey Alex, will you ever put in an emoticon showing two cheering each other with wine glasses, not beer mugs?)

Yes, Alex, can we have two faces with wine glasses icon?

My favorite kind would have to be Cabernet Sauvignon, Merlot, Chardonnay, and Pinot Noir. I'm fond of Mondavi from California, Torrey Ridge and Lucas Vineyard from Finger Lakes in NY. I'm developing a taste for Italian and German wines. Since I'm living in Illinois, there's only about 40 wineries here and I have been able to visit at least 4 of them. Next one to visit will be near Chicago!
WOW, sure I do remember you.. its funny.. I just wonder about you, since you have not post for long time.. and you are back.. WB WB WB !!!

(btw its me MsGiglz) :)
:wave: :welcome: back to Alldeaf loveofwine!!! It's nice to have you back here. It will be nice to reaquaint with the old members, and get to know the new ones. Have fun posting, and welcome aboard!!! :cheers:
Welcome (back) to alldeaf. I'm also a wine afficionado albeit an inexperienced one. The wines I typically gravitate towards are pinot grigio, pinot noir, shiraz and merlot. Any favorite wines I should try that can be found in most stores?
DoofusMama and CODAchild

Thanks for your messages. It'll be good to relearn about everyone and meet new people. Just taking my time to adjust back in AD. Been a long, long, long while!!!